Page 26 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 26

26A                         December 2021                                                                  JEWISH INTEREST

                           SatURDAY, December 18                                The Yiddish Book Center

                                                                                By Joel Kreiss
                                                                                          y grandfather, my moth-
                                                                                                                      could.  He  was  a  23-year-old  grad
                                                                                          er’s  father,  must  have
                                                                                Mbeen  a  very  religious
                                                                                                                      came  aware  of  the  dearth  of  texts
                                                                                man. He had to be since he read He-   student  studying  Yiddish  and  be-
                                                                                                                      available.  What  started  out  as  an
                                                                                brew daily. I became aware of this    attempt  to  supplement  the  meager
                                                                                when grandpa moved in with us af-     supply of books, grew into an av-
                                                                                ter being thrown out of his home by   alanche  that  continues  to  this  day.
                                                                                                                      It’s a wonderful story that I highly
                                                                                “Esther the Refugee.” That is what
      Come                                                                      we called her since we never knew     recommend.  I  also  recommend  a
                                                                                                                      visit to the Yiddish Book Center in
                                                                                her  last  name  before  she  enticed
                                                                                                                      Amherst, Massachusetts, where the
                                                                                grandpa  into  the  arena  of  wedded
       Visit Us!                                                                bliss. I think that lasted for a very   collection now lives.
                                                                                                                          This September, while spending
                                                                                brief time, and then he showed up
                                                                                                                      Rosh  Hashanah  with  my  son  and
                                                                                on our doorstep with hat in hand, a

                                                                                    One of my tasks during the time
                                                                                                                      Center and was moved beyond my
                             at the                                             valise and a copy of the Forverts.    family, I visited the Yiddish Book
                                                                                he lived with us was to go “around    ability to fully convey. The facility
                                                                                the corner” and get the latest copy   was nothing like I could have imag-
                                                                                of the Forverts and The Day. To this   ined, not in its grandeur, but in its
        A favorite pastime of                                                   10-year-old,  the  let-
        visitors, snowbirds and                                                 ters were Hebrew and
        long-timers alike is strolling                                          he was doing his dai-
        the Sarasota Farmer’s Market in                                         ly  prayers  and  study.
        downtown Sarasota each Saturday.                                        When, in later years, I
                                                                                mentioned  this  to  my
        We hope you will come say, “Shalom!”                                    Aunt Gert, his young-
        to The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                            est daughter, she start-
        as we exhibit for the first time this season!                           ed to laugh. “Are you

        JFED BOOTH AT THE SARASOTA FARMERS MARKET                               kidding?  His  way  of
        Located at the intersection of Lemon Ave. and Main St.                  spending  the  High                Main floor of the Yiddish Book Center
                                                                                Holidays was at the burlesque,” she   elegant simplicity. There are rooms
                                                  To view a market map, go to   said. So ended that chapter of my     for study, a small intimate theatre for
                                             religious ancestor.                   lectures and performances, and the
                                                                                    Yiddish was spoken at my home,    main floor with stacks of volumes
                                                                                as in many homes of my generation,    of Yiddish books, some almost new
                                                                                so  the  children,  kinder,  would  not   looking, and others, with worn and
                                                                                understand. “Shtil di kinder” would   frayed spines, indicative of the lov-
                                                                                be the first idiom we learned, and    ing hands that held them, on display
                                         HELP...                                as years went on, we added a few      and available to the visitor to touch,
                                                                                                                      read and remember. You can learn
                                                                                more,  but  not  enough  to  become
                                                                                fluent  in  this  most  romantic  and
                                                                                                                      more at
                                                                                                                          The trip is more than a trip. It is
                                                 i  s a                         expressive language. A few of my      a pilgrimage to the lost world of our
                                                 is a
                                                                                friends now recall Yiddish as their
                                                                                first language, but sadly, after years
                                                                                                                      forefathers,  and  one  that  was  lost
                                                 phone                          of non-use, have forgotten most of    due to the madness of one individ-
                                                                                                                      ual and his ability to get others to
                                                 call                           Aaron Lansky, Outwitting History,     forget their humanity and follow in
                                                                                    Years  ago,  I  read  a  book  by
                                                                                                                      his insanity.
                                                 a    wa        y               about  his  mission  to  find  and  res-  Joel Kreiss is a past president of the
                                                                                                                      Jewish Congregation of Venice.
                                                                                cue  as  many Yiddish  books  as  he
                                                                                Hebrew School in Shanghai

       In partnership with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and        during World War II
       the generosity of our donors, JFCS of the Suncoast is able to offer      By Sigmund Tobias
       the following services at no cost to anyone in the                             sther Rose, a friend of mine, re-  in Shanghai. The sign we are holding
       Jewish community regardless of age:                                            cently found a surprising story   indicates  in  Hebrew  that  we  are  the
                                                                                Eand photo about the Mir Yeshi-       “small yeshiva” in Shanghai. Most of
        •  A friendly voice                                                     va  on  the  internet  (  the young men in the photo eventual-

        •  Counseling                                   Get the                 after-intervention-son-of-wwii-japa-  ly found their way to the United States
                                                                                                                      after the war.
        •  Caregiver support                        assistance                  rael-visa/) that included me when I was   The  sad  part  about  the  photo  is
        •  Bereavement support groups                                           about 10 years old.                   that, I, at age 89, may be the only one
                                                                                    The yeshiva fled from Poland and
                                                                                                                      in the group still alive to tell the story.
        •  Pastoral care                             you need!                  eventually  settled  in  Shanghai  during   Sigmund Tobias is a university profes-
        •  Delivered meals                                                      the World War II era in a community   sor who has retired in Sarasota.
        •  Temporary financial assistance                                       of  approximately  20,000  Jews  who
                                                                                survived  the  Holocaust  by  fleeing  to
       If you are in need of                                                        The  photo  at  right  (courtesy  of
       assistance, don’t hesitate                                               the Bagley Family), which I had nev-
       to call JFCS at                                                          er seen before, was taken in the early
       941-366-2224                                                             1940s  and  shows  me  (third  from  the
                                                                                left  in  the  first  row)  and  a  group  of
       extension 112.                                                           other  boys  who  were  attending  He-
                                                                                brew school in front of our synagogue
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