Page 25 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 25

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                      December 2021                                      25A

     Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old

     Our immigrant relatives brought “Happy Sylvester”

     to Israel

     By Rabbi Barbara Aiello

        n Israel and throughout the world,    That  was  the  problem  that  im-  nations, but recently, new information   punishment they proposed.
        the  last  night  of  the  secular  year   migrants  from  Western  Europe  faced   about  the  elusive  Sylvester  has  come   On the morning of December 31,
     Itraditionally is a party night, which   when they first came to Israel. These   to  light.  In  his  book,  France  in  the     Sylvester himself was arrested, thrown
     means  that  on  December  31,  along   newcomers, especially those with roots   Middle Ages, historian Georges Duby   into  jail  and  tortured  there.  Several
     with the rest of the world, Israelis will   in France, Belgium, the former Soviet   speculates  that  Sylvester  may  have   minutes before midnight, the 82-year-
     be celebrating, too – but with one in-  Union  and  the  former  Czechoslova-  been  Peter  Sylvester,  who  was  the   old Sylvester died, but not before say-
                       teresting  differ-  kia, still wanted to celebrate the secu-  bishop of Beauvais in 1431 when Joan   ing his final words: “The year ends and
                       ence.  Instead  of   lar New Year as they had done in their   of Arc was arrested in his city.   so do I.”
                       shouting  “Happy   home countries, so to avoid confusion     Sylvester earned the respect of his   Bishop Sylvester, as one who stood
                       New  Year,”  Is-   they invented a new greeting. But why   fellow Frenchmen because his was the   up to Church authority and who died
                       raelis offer a dif-  “Happy Sylvester?”                  voice of calm among the hype and hys-  for his beliefs on the last night of the
                       ferent   greeting.     Israeli  writer  and  columnist  Dan-  terics surrounding Joan of Arc’s rise to   secular year, became the “Sylvester” of
                       As the year turns   iel Rogov did some digging and found   fame.  Apparently,  Sylvester  was  the   the Israeli greeting offered at the begin-
                       from  2021  to     that for years no one was certain who   only  cleric  who  did  not  believe  that   ning of each secular year. So now you
                       2022, Israeli Jews   this  Sylvester  really  was.  Until  re-  young  Joan  was  acting  under  the  in-  know. For the secular shanah, Happy
                       will  wish  each   cently,  many  scholars  believed  that   fluence of the devil. Sylvester defend-  Sylvester 2022!
      Rabbi Barbara Aiello  other  a  “Happy   the  original  Sylvester  was  a  Catholic   ed Joan of Arc as “a good Christian, a   Rabbi  Barbara Aiello  served Aviva
     Sylvester,” a New Year’s greeting that   saint, however, there was always some   woman of purity who lived according   Senior Living in Sarasota as resident
     invokes,  of  all  things,  the  name  of  a   confusion  about  his  life.  Speculation   to the rules of the church and who had   rabbi for 10 years. She  now lives and
     Catholic saint!                      included one popular story that Sylves-  no  evil  in  her.” Although  Sylvester’s   works in Italy where she is rabbi of
        As the Jewish state, Israel formal-  ter was an obscure Catholic priest who   colleagues  were  determined  to  bring   Italy’s  first  Reconstructionist  syna-
     ly acknowledges the Jewish New Year   became famous for walking from Bor-  Joan to trial and execute her, Sylvester   gogue. You may reach her at Rabbi@
     of  Rosh  Hashanah,  which  is  marked   deaux to Jerusalem – barefoot!    spoke out against them and the extreme
     on the Hebrew calendar on the eve of     Others believed that the saint was
     the first day in the Hebrew month of   really  a  Roman  Catholic  pope  whose    Rabbi Barbara Aiello’s most
     Tishrei – a Jewish Holy Day and na-  claim to fame was that he had brought
     tional holiday that occurs in the fall of   an animal back to life. Pope Sylvester,   popular columns are published
     the year. Rosh Hashanah is the day to   legend  has  it,  raised  a  bull  from  the
     greet friends and family with “Shanah   dead. Others opined that Sylvester was   in her new book, Aging Jewishly,
     Tovah,”  a  Hebrew  phrase  that  means   an Italian monk known for his “friend-
     “a good year” or “Happy New Year.”   ly relationships” with the local young              available on Amazon.
     Hence the dilemma of what to say to   ladies.
     differentiate the secular year from the   There are many stories about Syl-   It makes a great Chanukah gift!
     religious one.                       vester, including his antisemitic incli-

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