Page 30 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 30

30A                         December 2021                                          ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD

         Learn about our growing                                                NEW U.S. COMMAND                      they felt the need to hide their Jewish  The powerful message
          Jewish community in this comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                        of Chanukah
          population study of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                CENTER TO MONITOR
                                                                                                                          The  survey  also  found  that  84%
                                                                                ANTISEMITIC THREATS
                                                                                The  Secure  Community  Network
                                                                                                                      ered  other  Jews  extended  family  and
                                                                                (SCN),  the  security  arm  of The  Jew-  were supportive of Israel, 83% consid-
                                                                                ish Federations of North America and   56% had traveled to Israel. (Brandeis
                                                                                the Conference of Presidents of Major   Center for Human Rights under Law)
                                                                                American  Jewish  Organizations,  has   ISRAEL TO DOUBLE
                                                                                opened  the  National  Jewish  Security   VOLUME OF WATER
                                                                                Operations Command Center (JSOCC)
                                                                                in Chicago, where intelligence analysts   SOLD TO JORDAN
                                                                                and security professionals can monitor   The  volume  of  water  that  Israel  sells
                                                                                and  track  threats  to  the  Jewish  com-  to Jordan will double and is likely to
                                                                                munity and coordinate responses with   reach  100  million  cubic  meters  over
                                                                                local,  state  and  federal  law  enforce-   the next year, following an agreement
                                                                                ment.                                 signed Tuesday, October 12.
                                                                                    The SCN  said it saw  a 125% in-      Since  the  mid-1990s,  Israel  has
                                                                                crease in the reporting of incidents and   sold 50 million cubic meters of water
                                                                                issues related to the Jewish community   annually to Jordan. Ten years ago, this
                                                                                                                      amount was raised to 60 million cubic
           1   ST                                                               tinuing  in  2021.  (Faygie  Holt,  Israel   meters.
                                                                                in 2020, a trend that appears to be con-
                population study
                                                                                                                          Israel  has  been  selling  water  to
                in 20 years!
                                                                                                                      Jordan since the 1990s at the especially
                                                                                SURVEY: 2/3 OF JEWISH
                                                                                                                      cheap tariff of $0.04 per cubic meter,
                                       2019              Sponsored in part by    COLLEGE STUDENTS                     far lower than the $2.48 rate per cubic
                                                          a grant from:
                                                                                                                      meter paid by Israeli consumers.
                                                                                FEEL UNSAFE
                               Jewish Community Study                           A  survey  of  1,027  members  of  the    This  latest  agreement  hikes  the
                    Cohen Center Authors:   A socio-demographic portrait of the Jewish   predominately  Jewish  fraternity AEPi   price to $0.65, which means Israel is
                     Matthew Boxer
                    Matthew A. Brookner  community in Sarasota-Manatee                                                still  subsidizing  the  cost  of  water  for
                     Eliana Chapman
                    Janet Krasner Aronson                                       and the leading Jewish sorority AEPhi   Jordan.
                                                                                conducted  in  April  2021  found  that
                                                                                                                          Israel’s Minister of Infrastructures,
                                            70% of the students personally expe-  Water  and  Energy  Resources,  Karine
                                                                                rienced  or  were  familiar  with  an  an-
                                                                                                                      Elharrar,  said  the  new  “agreement  to
         For more information,                                                  tisemitic  attack  in  the  past  120  days,   increase the amount of water is an un-
                                                                                with more than 65% feeling unsafe on
         contact Kim Adler                                                      campus and one in 10 fearing physical     equivocal statement that we want good
         941.552.6300                                                           attack.                               neighborly relations.” (Guy Lieberman,                                                         Furthermore, 50% of students said   Globes)

                                                                       TAKE THE

                                                                       NEXT STEP

                                                                         You took the first step by making a legacy commitment, and
                                                                         we are eternally grateful for your help in ensuring Jewish
                                                                         tomorrow for our Jewish community. Now, reach out and
                                                                         ask someone to join you.

                                                                         Each one of us can make a difference!


                        For more information, contact Gisele Pintchuck at 941.706.0029 or
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