Page 39 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 39
COMMUNITY FOCUS December 2021 3B
NCJW’s 40 Women In Power luncheon
In each issue of The Jewish News, we will spotlight one local temple and one local organization that are participating in the Kehillah Collaborative initiative. ational Council of Jewish on the tasks of helping our communi- celebrating women in Sarasota and ing the Multicultural Health Institute,
For more information, contact Trudi Krames at or 941.706.0037. Women (NCJW) strives for ties. We were all able to survive more Manatee counties who have made a UnidosNow, Gulf Coast Latin Cham-
Nsocial justice by improving the comfortably because they gave their positive impact on the lives of others. ber of Commerce, Manatee Healthy
quality of life for women, children and time, energy and skills to help others. This year’s “Unsung Heroines” Teens Coalition, New College of Flori-
families. With those words in mind, These women continued to do child- are Adriana Perez from UnidosNow, da, the Links, Inc., Resilient American
this year, we are changing the focus care, teach, prepare and distribute food Angela Perez-Garcia from Bay Shore Communities and the Howard Club of
Jewish institution in diaspora Jewish of our Women In Power luncheon. to the hungry, care for the home bound, Elementary School in Bradenton, Southwest Florida.
communities around the world. ORT We will honor the “Unsung Heroines” address the medical needs of many Katressa Wilson and Maria Somera We hope you will join us for the
was founded in St. Petersburg, Tsarist who kept us going during the Covid-19 underserved communities and much from Children First, Teresa Martin luncheon. For more information, to
Russia, in 1880 to provide employable pandemic, improved our lives, helped more. and Elyse Gordon from Aviva Senior purchase tickets and/or to become a
skills for Russia’s impoverished Jews. make our world a better place and ex- Our Women In Power on Wednes- Living, and the Multicultural Action sponsor, please call 941.342.1855 or
ORT now reaches 200,000 annually in emplified true Tikkun Olam. day, January 19 at 11:30 a.m. at Mi- Team (a coalition of nonprofits in Sara- go to
five continents. We will honor women who took chael’s On East will mark our 40 year sota and Manatee counties) includ-
ORT is building a better world
through education. In 2008, Sarasota What makes Sarasota Sister City,
resident and ORT America member
Betty Schoenbaum donated $5 million
in support of World ORT programs in Tel Mond, Israel, so special
Israel, to develop the center of the sea-
side town of Kiryat Yam into a multi- n October, Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, tlement in 1929 for the cultivation of philanthropists Alex and Betty Schoen- much she derived from her involve-
purpose science, education, culture and who acts as City Direcctor to Tel citrus orchards, Tel Mond (population baum. Like Sarasota, the city supports ment with Richmond, Virginia’s Sister
sports campus. IMond, Israel, shared a Zoom pre- 10,000) is centrally located 25 minutes a range of cultural interests and has a City in Israel, which just happens to be
Sarasota-Manatee ORT is current- sentation, “What Makes Sarasota Sis- northeast of Tel Aviv and 50 minutes considerable senior citizen and ex-pat located fairly close to Tel Mond.
ly raising funds for the Kfar Silver ter City, Tel Mond, Israel So Special,” south of Haifa. It is regarded as one of population. Since Tel Mond became a Linda Rosenbluth spoke of early
Youth Village, which is a rural board- sponsored by Temple Emanu-El’s Isra- Israel’s most desirable places to live, Sarasota Sister City in 1999, several stu- visits to Tel Mond more than 30 years
ing school in southern Israel. It edu- el Committee. He discussed the com- prompting many of the nation’s leading dent exchanges, group visits and joint ago before the settlement had paved
cates 700 students, grades 7-12, most munity’s history and showed photos high-tech executives to call it home. civic projects have been undertaken. roads. Alice Cotman displayed embroi-
of whom are considered at-risk and of prominent sites, picturesque street- Possessing excellent schools and Temple Emanu-El and Sister Cities dered artwork from Tel Mond, while
218 of whom live in the dorms full- scapes and homes. an active community center, its li- Association of Sarasota members of- Kim Sheintal shared a scrapbook of
time and consider Kfar Silver their Established as an agricultural set- brary is named for legendary Sarasota fered many interesting anecdotes about photos she prepared following a won-
only home. Kfar Silver is considered their own Israel travel experiences. The derful visit to Tel Mond several years
their “last stop” for succeeding aca- temple’s Judith Koziol conveyed how ago.
demically and in life.
For more information about ORT,
call the ORT Florida Region office at
Look for information on Temple Beth Israel and the Sarasota
Jewish Chorale in the January 2022 issue of The Jewish News. Temple members, Sister City members, and community leaders enjoyed learning about Tel Mond
Family Owned, Family Focused
By Rabbi Howard A.Simon
Toale BroThers Funeral desires are respected and work together
home has been a to create the type of service you want.
part of our com- Plans for a funeral are given the utmost
munity for over attention and we are here for any needs
a hundred years. you may have following a funeral service. SERVING THE JEWISH
From the outset Toale Brothers is family owned and family L’Dor COMMUNITY SINCE 1978
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our goal has always focused. Your satisfaction is uppermost
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Please know that Toale Brothers Funeral
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and help to make sure your final wishes Ron Collier, REALTOR ®
are carried through. We see to it your
1605 Main Street, Suite 101 | Sarasota, FL 34236 | 941.951.6660