Page 41 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 41

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                      December 2021                                        5B

     Sarasota Jewish Chorale opens season

     with Chanukah program

 “I am so grateful for all the assis-
 tance  and attention  you gave  me.   he  Sarasota  Jewish Chorale  is   will  also include “Light,”  written  by   Chanukah holiday.”   El and Aviva Senior Living.
 The sense of elation I feel knowing I   planning several lively and en-  Lisa Loeb, American singer-songwriter,   The chorale  will present some of   The  Chorale,  consisting  of 35+
 have stability in my housing can’t be Ttertaining  Chanukah programs   author, actress and, best known for her   these  selections  at  University  Town   members  is  an  unaffiliated,  non-au-
 described. Please know that this as-that  will  highlight,  among  other  fa-  hit song, “Stay (I Missed You).” Addi-  Center in front of Saks  on Thursday,   ditioned group that sings a variety of
 sistance is making an enormous differ-miliar and fun pieces, a doo-wop ver-  tional songs include pieces written by   December 2 at 6:30 p.m., as part of the   Jewish traditional  and contemporary
 ence in my life circumstances, and I am  sion of the Dreidel song, arranged by   Broadway composer Stephen Swartz,   week-long Chanukah celebration. This   music. Rehearsals are on  Thursday
 profoundly thankful. I hope you can  Matthew Lazar, Founder of the North   of Wicked and Godspell fame, as well   performance is open to the public.   evenings.
 help your next client even more than  American  Jewish Music Festival  and   as a nigun (Jewish religious tune) titled   Other Chanukah performances,   For more information  about the
 you helped me.”  the Zamir Chorale of New York.   “Bidi Bom.”                  which are not open to the public due   Sarasota Jewish Chorale, rehearsals
 If you  are  in  need  of assistance,   The performances,  led by Sharon   “These  programs,”  said  Sharon,   to Covid restrictions, will take place at   and events, please visit sarasotajewish
 please  contact  me  at  JFCS of  the  Greene, artistic director of the Chorale,   “are intended to reflect the joy of the   Temple Beth Sholom, Temple Emanu-
 Suncoast at or
 941.366.2224 x166.  Sarasota-Manatee Rabbinic Association
 Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the
 Community Chaplain and Director of  announces new officers and mission
 the JFCS Jewish Healing Program. His
 position is underwritten by The Jewish   he  Sarasota-Manatee  Rabbinic   impacting the local Jewish community.   Sarasota Ministerial Association.  treasurer Rabbi Aviva Berg of Temple
 Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.  Association (SMRA) is pleased   This year, the SMRA has committed   Unanimously elected,  SMRA’s   Emanu-El  and immediate  past  presi-
     Tto announce its 2021-22 officers    especially to fostering Jewish identity,   new president  is Rabbi  Michael  She-  dent Rabbi Jennifer Singer of Congre-
     and a renewed organizational mission.  unity and diversity; supporting Israel;   frin, who serves Temple Emanu-El as   gation Kol HaNeshama.
        Comprising  rabbis  and cantors   promoting  education;  combating  an-  Associate Rabbi. Other SMRA officers     For more information  about the
     from Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte   tisemitism;  and partnering  with  other   include  vice president Rabbi Stephen   SMRA and its sacred work, please call
     counties, the SMRA provides an op-   values-driven and like-minded  orga-  Sniderman  of  Temple  Beth  Israel,   Rabbi Shefrin at 941.371.2788.
     portunity for clergy to grow spiritual-  nizations such as The Jewish Feder-
     ly and professionally while positively   ation of Sarasota-Manatee and the

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        “These we honor”

                 Your Tributes                                                       Visit to learn more.

       ANNUAL CAMPAIGN                       CAMP MARCI LYNN

      IN HONOR OF                              SCHOLARSHIPS
      Michael Fox                         IN HONOR OF
      Jeremy Lisitza                      Karen and Tom Bernstein                               SUPPORT
      Alan Funk                           Stuart Nord                                         Friendship at Home
      Janice and Jeff Newman                                                                   Financial Stability
                                                                                               In-home Support
      IN MEMORY OF                          CAPITAL CAMPAIGN                                 Home Delivered Meals
      Trude Bennett                       IN HONOR OF                                        Educational Programs
      Nancy Foster                        Louis Lasday                                        CAREGIVING
      Claire Levin                        Joyce, Ron and Fred Karpay                        Caregiver Resource Centers
      Kim Adler                                                                             Adult Day Care Programs
                                                                                                Support Groups
      Roberta Ringelheim                    GULF COAST HILLEL                                 Educational Programs
      Mimi Stambler
      Dr. Stephen Stambler                            FUND                                HEALTH & WELLNESS
      Lillian White                       IN HONOR OF                                           Senior Centers
      Dvora and David Millstone           Bruce Udell                                           Friendship Cafés
                                                                                                 Senior Fitness
                                          Michael Richker                                      Balance Movement
        CAMP MARCI LYNN                           NOTE: To be publicly                          Lifelong Learning
              PROGRAMS                      acknowledged in The Jewish News,

      IN MEMORY OF                           Honor Cards require a minimum                   |  941.955.2122
      Steve Etzkin                            $10 contribution per listing.                      SARASOTA                    VENICE
      Hilary Bender                         You can send Honor Cards directly                    1888 Brother Geenen Way     2350 Scenic Drive
      Edith Layman                             from For more                        Sarasota, FL 34236          Venice, FL 34293
                                             information, call 941.371.4546.
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