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FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                       December 2021                                        9B

 cus on Y
 Focus on Youth

       A program of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee, PJ Library & PJ
       Our Way engages children between birth and age 12, and their families, with
       books and activities that enhance their Jewish journey. Throughout the year,
       families gather for story times and other special programs where they can
       socialize and meet new friends. PJ is for any family raising Jewish children –
       affiliated, unaffiliated, interfaith or non-traditional. The program is completely
       free for families, thanks to the generosity of The Harold Grinspoon Founda-
       tion, Edie and David Chaifetz, the Federation and other generous donors.
     Unique as individuals, yet

     together, one community                                                          READ—GATHER—GROW

                                                                                      PJ Library  has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
     By MG Berman, PJ Community Connector                                             to  provide  families  raising  Jewish  children with  the  gift of  free, high-quality
                                                                                      children’s books, music, and resources that foster deeper engagement with
            s parents we strive to teach our   how to make the world work for me in-  Jewish life in our community.
 Meet JNF-USA’s new   Aat times can be a challenge in   stead of feeling as if it is against me.   to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.
            kids right from wrong, which
                                                                                                   Join one of our PJ programs below
                                          When  you are  young, and  things are
 Dream Israel Manager,   a world with many controversies. We   even  a  little  different,  it  can  be  very   Children 6 mo. - 8 yrs.  Children 8 - 12
     try to teach our kids how to treat oth-
                                          hard to ask for help and feel it’s okay to
 Zoë Carvel           ers with kindness,   do so. I have had to really teach myself
                      how to cook, tie
                                          how to ask for help, and now I really
                      shoes and climb a   try to encourage my son Jacob to ask
                      tree, yet we may    for help when he gets stuck, even on                 Sign-up at
 through talking to donors, that I real-  forget a few other   the smallest of things. I tell him all the                    Sign-up at
 ized the critical need for more signif-  important  things   time that it is okay to ask for help. Ask-
 icant engagement in Zionist education   until  they  say  ing for help when young with a learn-
 among young Jews.    something  to us.   ing disability  felt  like  the world was   For more information, contact
 Why  are  you  so  excited  about   Parenting  is  hard,   against me and I did everything wrong,   Jessi Sheslow
 managing JNF-USA’s Dream Israel   MG Berman  but as a communi-  but I now know it was not that way.
 Teen Travel Initiative?   ty we can help and support one another.   I would spend hours doing home-  941.343.2109  PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously
 It’s exciting to be spearheading an   Growing up, I was diagnosed with   work, preparing for tests and just try-  funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.
 initiative that will have an impact on  many learning challenges. It was dif-  ing to figure out what that one sentence
 the future of Jewish life and the Jewish  ficult since I always had a tutor come   meant.  My parents  were told  that  I
 state. Dream Israel is not only provid- to school or went to one after school.   would be lucky if I graduated college.
 ing Jewish teens the opportunity to have  Some people said they treated me the   Not only am I a college graduate, but I
 a life-changing study  same as others, but to me they treated   have held jobs people dream about such   OVERNIGHT
 abroad experience be- me differently. At times, I would feel   as working the 2012 London Olympics
 fore  college,  but  it’s  all alone in a big world, and I did not   and Paralympic  Games. More impor-                       Grants
 also strengthening the  know how to verbalize those feelings.   tantly, I now work at Federation for PJ   CAMP
 next generation’s con- I just wanted  to be like  all  my other   Library.
 nection  to Zionism,  classmates and friends.   We as parents have a tough job in
 Jewish identity  and   Why am I sharing this with you?   balancing  when and  how to  help  our
 commitment to Israel.  Because learning challenges are more   kids. What I can share, being that kid
 There’s never  been  a  common than we think, and I want to   with learning challenges, is to encour-
 more important  time  break the stigma.   age your child to be the lunch buddy to   The impact of Jewish camp lasts a lifetime. Children benefit from Jewish camp
 for Dream Israel than   I was the girl who had few friends   the one sitting alone just because they   experiences by learning to value their Jewish heritage. The Jewish Federation of
 now and I’m looking  because  others didn’t know how to   can. Encourage them to be the one who   Sarasota-Manatee,  in partnership with local philanthropists, offers incentive
 forward to helping the  treat me or talk to me. They saw me   invites the child sitting off to the side   and need-based grants for Jewish children planning to attend not-for-profit
 initiative grow.  as different. I may have been in some   to come join on the swings or to come   Jewish overnight camps for the summer.   Applications are
 How can students receive a grant  special classes so  my learning needs   bike ride at your house. Be the one who           accepted until
 to  put  toward  their  study  abroad  were met, but that did not mean that I   teaches by example what we all know         Nov. 1, 2021 thru
 program?  wanted anything different from others   but sometimes forget. Continue to en-                                      Jan. 31, 2022.
 Students can earn up to $7,500 to- my own age. It was hard and hurtful at   courage your kids just as my parents
 ward several long-term  study abroad  times. I just wanted to be like everyone   did for me, as I would not be where I
 programs that are facilitated by Ra- else and, in truth, all that was different   am today without their encouragement.
 mah TRY, Heller High and JNF-USA,  was the way I learned things. I need-  If this sounds all too familiar and
 by fundraising for a JNF-USA philan- ed things written in color or said to me   resonates with you, please email me at
 thropic  project  in  Israel.  By incorpo- aloud many times. It was also helpful or call me
 rating a fundraising component, we’re  to have time to process and think be-  at 941.706.0027 to chat. As a commu-
 instilling  in  young  Jews the  value  of  fore being asked for a response or for   nity we are much stronger together.
 tzedakah (charity) and making their  my feedback. I still wanted to play on   For more information about PJ
 investment  in  the  land  and  people  of  the playground, feel like part of the   Library  of Sarasota-Manatee,  please
 Israel that much more meaningful.  group, be invited to birthday parties,   visit or contact  Jessi
 What is your advice to someone  sleepovers  and bike  rides, and have   Sheslow,  Teen  and  Family  Programs
 who’s  considering  a  long-term  pro- someone to talk to at lunch.  Manager, at or
 gram in Israel?  My learning  challenges  have  not   941.343.2109.
 Go! It looks great on college appli- changed over time, but I have learned
 cations and, more importantly, you’ll                                             APPLY AT
 have the best experience of your life.  Read the current and previous
 For more information about JNF-                                                   at
 USA’s Dream Israel Teen Travel Initia-  editions of The Jewish News at            SPONSORED BY
 tive, please visit or                                                                                            “Welcoming Shabbat”
                                                                                                                                       photo courtesy of
 contact Zoë Carvel at                                                                        Camp Coleman.
 or 212.879.9305 x935.
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