Page 44 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 44
8B December 2021 FOCUS ON YOUTH
Focus on Youth
F o cus on Y
The lessons of the Chanukah miracle
ion just because it is popular. The It is not enough to light up one’s tried to decimate us, we are here to stay
Greeks wanted the Jews to shed their own self; light up the outdoors as – and to thrive and flourish. We live
Education Judaism. While some became Hel- well. It is customary to light the me- in a time, despite antisemitism, when
there is so much freedom. Let’s teach
norah by a doorway, and then to place
lenists under much pressure, a small
Corner band of Maccabees stood strong and it near a window toward the public. our children to be proud Jews. Let’s re-
didn’t back down on their faith, even- Share your wisdom and good fortune mind them that people respect people
By Chaya Rivka tually defeating the mighty Greek with others. Let’s encourage our chil- who respect themselves. Let’s contin-
Schmerling army. Stay true to yourself and your dren to invite a kid from school who ue to be a light onto other nations and
inner values. Ever hear your child say, is not so popular to play in our home. spread goodness and kindness, one
“But everyone does it...or has it.”? We Bring a hot dinner to an elderly person mitzvah at a time.
hen I think of Chanukah, I must teach our children that we don’t who lives alone. Let’s teach our chil- Wishing you a very joyous, light-
think back to the wonderful do things just because the whole class dren how wonderful it is to be on the filled Chanukah!
Wchildhood memories I grew is doing it. They need to stay true to giving end. Chaya Rivka Schmerling is the Hebrew
up with, including the warmth and love themselves and the morals we teach The Jewish people are a mirac- School Director at Chabad of Venice &
I felt when surrounded by the glow of them, and become strong, individual ulous nation. Despite all those who North Port.
the Chanukah menorah as we danced thinkers.
and sang. I remember playing dreidel A little light can dispel much
on the old wooden table that broke in darkness. The candles of the meno- Meet JNF-USA’s new
the middle of the game because we rah light up our homes, as much as
were all leaning on it so intently, hop- they did many years ago in the Holy Dream Israel Manager,
ing to get a Gimel! There was also my Temple in Jerusalem. One positive
grandparents’ special yearly Chanukah word or one positive action can erase Zoë Carvel
party, where all the cousins hung out so much gloom. Our children are pre-
and played, as the snow fell and the cious lights. One praise can encourage By JNF-USA staff
wind howled outside of their Brooklyn them to be who they really are. It’s so oë Carvel grew up in Memphis, through talking to donors, that I real-
brownstone home. easy as a parent or an educator to point Tennessee, and graduated from ized the critical need for more signif-
Our Torah is not a history book out what our children are doing wrong. Zthe University of Southern Cal- icant engagement in Zionist education
that just tells us the stories that took But we know that when someone gives ifornia. Carvel’s career took off when among young Jews.
place with our ancestors. The word us a compliment or a word of praise, it she started working in the entertain- Why are you so excited about
“Torah” comes from the Hebrew word makes us want to keep doing that be- ment industry at United Talent Agen- managing JNF-USA’s Dream Israel
of “Hora-ah” which means “to teach.” havior! cy. However, after attending AIPAC’s Teen Travel Initiative?
Torah is here to teach us how to live Increase the light every night. Policy Conference in D.C., she re-dis- It’s exciting to be spearheading an
our lives. The story of the Chanukah On each night of Chanukah, we add covered her strong passion for Israel initiative that will have an impact on
miracle and the salvation of the Jewish one more candle than the night before. advocacy and decided to pursue a ca- the future of Jewish life and the Jewish
people, as well as our special Chanu- Don’t be satisfied with your achieve- reer in the Israel space. Following her state. Dream Israel is not only provid-
kah mitzvot, are filled with many les- ments. Keep aiming higher. We need to time at AIPAC, Carvel recently became ing Jewish teens the opportunity to have
sons that we can impart to our children teach our children to grow and not be Jewish National Fund- a life-changing study
and to ourselves. Here are some that stagnant, whether it means increasing USA’s (JNF-USA) new abroad experience be-
can give us great perspective. their knowledge, their good deeds or Dream Israel Teen Travel fore college, but it’s
Don’t conform to popular opin- their life experiences. Initiative Manager, where also strengthening the
she is looking forward to next generation’s con-
helping teens in Florida nection to Zionism,
and throughout the U.S. Jewish identity and
establish lifelong connec- commitment to Israel.
Join Us! tions to the land and peo- There’s never been a
more important time
ple of Israel, and Jewish
people everywhere. for Dream Israel than
We recently sat down now and I’m looking
with Zoë to learn more forward to helping the
about her new role and Zoë Carvel initiative grow.
why she’s excited to connect Jewish How can students receive a grant
teens to Israel. to put toward their study abroad
So, what’s your connection to Is- program?
rael? Students can earn up to $7,500 to-
It’s something I just feel in my ward several long-term study abroad
8, 000 members soul. I’ve always been incredibly programs that are facilitated by Ra-
proud to be Jewish. The values, the
mah TRY, Heller High and JNF-USA,
8,000 members of the
Jewish community stay informed about contributions our people have made to by fundraising for a JNF-USA philan-
what’s happening at Federation. You can too! society, our history, our story of hope thropic project in Israel. By incorpo-
and resilience despite constant adver- rating a fundraising component, we’re
• Be the first to learn about Federation sity – it’s awe-inspiring. The land of instilling in young Jews the value of
announcements Israel is central to the Jewish people’s tzedakah (charity) and making their
• Stay up to date on Federation events story. It’s our ancestral homeland, it’s investment in the land and people of
• Receive important updates from Federation essential for the Jewish future, and I Israel that much more meaningful.
leadership feel a responsibility to support it how- What is your advice to someone
• Stay informed on the latest ever I can. who’s considering a long-term pro-
What has been your experience
gram in Israel?
security reports from our Jewish in the “Jewish world?”
Community Security Director Go! It looks great on college appli-
Growing up in Memphis, I was al- cations and, more importantly, you’ll
ways active in the Jewish community. have the best experience of your life.
I attended Sunday School, co-found- For more information about JNF-
SIGN UP TODAY ON! ed a BBYO chapter, attended Jewish USA’s Dream Israel Teen Travel Initia-
tive, please visit or
summer camp, etc. Professionally, I
Click on the “EBLAST SIGN UP” button at the top of the page. worked at AIPAC for two years be- contact Zoë Carvel at
fore joining JNF-USA. It was there, or 212.879.9305 x935.