Page 42 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 42
6B December 2021 COMMUNITY FOCUS
Temple Sinai’s Mitzvah Day
helps families celebrate Thanksgiving
By Gail Glickman
emple Sinai’s Mitzvah Day on power individuals in crisis by pro- the goals of providing help to families Marlow and Leigh Gordon represent-
Sunday, November 21 was a viding them with essential skills and for the Thanksgiving holiday. ing Chavurah; and Judy Feldman and
Tspecial Thanksgiving program tools so they can manage their lives Two shifts (morning and after- Tonya Graber representing the Pro-
called Everything But the Turkey, an more productively. Programs include noon) prepared and delivered the food, gram Committee.
opportunity for temple members of counseling, mentoring, summer and cards and donations to Second Chance- At a time when so many have been
all ages to come together in service of after-school youth programs, food, Last Opportunity. Team Captains are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and
others. Teams of volunteers prepared clothing and shelter referrals, and hol- Chester (“Pearl”) Perlinski and How- find themselves food insecure, Temple
all the sides, mashed potatoes, yellow iday meals and food distribution. Sec- ard Polivy representing Temple Si- Sinai has kept with the tenets of Juda-
rice, green beans, cranberry relish, ond Chance-Last Opportunity believes nai’s Men’s Club; Elizabeth and Kate ism to make this year’s Thanksgiving
corn bread and pies – literally every- that holidays are sometimes the hardest Dumbaugh Harris representing the Re- special for 100 families. This is the
thing but the turkey – for a Thanksgiv- time of the year for families in need. ligious School; Vicky Golen and Sarah true meaning of Temple Sinai’s Mitz-
ing feast enough to feed one hundred. The organization helps make sure the Weiner representing The Gan; Jeanne vah Day.
The food, along with cards and addi- holidays are a time of celebration and
tional donated supplies, was delivered not pain.
to Second Chance-Last Opportunity. In keeping with Temple Sinai’s
Second Chance-Last Opportunity philosophy of tzedakah, Everything
is an organization that strives to em- But the Turkey was designed to meet
Volunteers at Temple Sinai’s Mitzvah Day in 2019 Temple Sinai members preparing food
Rabbi Michael Sternfield and
Cantor Deborah Bard retire
t is with great sadness that Tem- Bard’s beautiful voice and starting our
ple Beth El Bradenton/Lakewood temple’s choir has been an inspiration
IRanch announces the retirement of to all of us. Both have brought a family
our beloved Rabbi Michael Sternfield feeling and love to our temple family
and Cantor Deborah Bard. They have and have grown our membership with
been wonderful assets to our Temple their caring.
Beth El family, both professionally and We wish them both well on the
FRI SAT SUN | 9am-2pmT SUN | 9am-2pm personally. next phase of their lives. Temple Beth
Rabbi Sternfield, with his wonder-
El is a better place for having had them
ful sermons and his fantastic movie and
on our pulpit.
dinner nights, will be missed. Cantor
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