Page 40 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 40

4B                         December 2021                                                              COMMUNITY FOCUS

     Jews helping Jews

     By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz | This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
           esponsibility  for one’s breth-  the  door with  her  husband and  care-  Financial  Assistance  Coordinator   “I am so grateful for all the assis-
           ren is a value long enshrined   giver (made possible through survivor   utilizes  funding available  through   tance  and attention  you gave  me.
     Rin  Jewish  ethos. The Talmud       reparations facilitated by JHP) trailing   FEMA, Season of Sharing, the Fed-  The sense of elation I feel knowing I
     dictum “Kol Yisrael arevim zeh bazeh,   behind her. Without missing a beat, she   eration and the Yonover Fund at JFCS   have stability in my housing can’t be
     All of Israel  are responsible for each   took the challah from the case manag-  to enable eligible clients to meet rent   described. Please know that this as-
     other,” echoes through the generations.  er’s outstretched hand and began sing-  obligations  and prevent  evictions.   sistance is making an enormous differ-
        Sponsored by The Jewish Feder-    ing and dancing to “Hava Nagila.” The   The  coordinator’s contacts  with  area   ence in my life circumstances, and I am
     ation of Sarasota-Manatee, the mis-  case manager joined her in celebrating   property managers, apartment manag-  profoundly thankful. I hope you can
     sion of the Jewish  Healing Program   a wonderful holiday moment.          ers and colleagues help clients secure   help your next client even more than
     (JHP) at  JFCS of the  Suncoast is to    As they age, local  survivors can   housing opportunities. JHP assists cli-  you helped me.”
     fulfill this heightened sense of respon-  confront  medical-related  issues not   ents with car and other  repairs, and   If you  are  in  need  of assistance,
     sibility. Read below to appreciate how   covered  by government  programs or   supplies referrals for a range of needs   please  contact  me  at  JFCS of  the
     this obligation is realized.         the Claims Conference, the internation-  including legal help.              Suncoast at or
        When one of JHP’s Holocaust sur-  al entity that is the primary distributor   Clients often express thanks for the   941.366.2224 x166.
     vivor case managers recently delivered   of survivor compensation.  Upon re-  assistance  and  the  respect  and  caring   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the
     a Shabbat meal to a client, she observed   quest by JHP, the Federation provides   extended to them by JHP staff. Here is   Community Chaplain and Director of
     his sadness from the recent passing of   funds to cover the cost of needed den-  a sampling:                     the JFCS Jewish Healing Program. His
     his beloved wife. He said, “God keeps   tal work and other health-related needs   “The  past several  months have   position is underwritten by The Jewish
     me on earth even though I am tired of   that local survivors cannot afford.  been extremely hard for me financially.   Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
     living.”  The case manager  sat down     When an individual died tragical-  I kept having things break with my car
     and comforted him. When she empha-   ly from Covid-19 earlier this fall, his   and it was a small fortune to fix. I spent   Jewish Healing Program
     sized how much his family loves him,   family  did not possess the  means  to   all my savings and then some. When I     opportunities
     he retrieved his GrandPad, a tablet-like   provide an appropriate Jewish funeral.   realized I wouldn’t be able to pay rent   During much of the Covid-19 pandem-
     device  provided by JHP whose large   JHP worked with Chabad of Venice &   last month, I decided to contact JFCS.   ic, Friendly Visitors volunteers, under
     buttons easily enable him to video chat   North Port and the Federation to cover   I want to let you know how grateful I   the auspices of JFCS of the Suncoast’s
     with family members and friends with-  the costs of the funeral.           am.  The  rental  assistance  has helped   Jewish Healing  Program  (JHP) who
     out challenging connectivity issues. He   This fall,  two low-income  cou-  me tremendously and kept me from be-  regularly  visit  isolated  seniors in our
     asked her to stay while  he called  his   ples dealing  with spouses in hospice   coming homeless. I don’t know what I   area, were unable to do so in person.
     brother in Israel. As soon as he saw his   at  home as well  as their  own serious   would have done without it. Thank you   Now, with an easing of the situation,
     brother come up on the screen, a broad   health  issues, requested help with   and God bless you!”               they are once again meeting with cli-
     smile broke out on the survivor’s face.   house cleaning. JHP appealed to the   “I reached out last week to request   ents in their homes.             UROLOGY TREATMENT CENTER
     When his brother learned he was with   Federation  to make it possible.  The   financial assistance when I found my-  Those aware of lonely, socially re-
     his case  manager, he indicated  how   families  were  quite  pleased  to  have   self in truly dire circumstances.  I am   moved seniors who would appreciate   •   BARZELL  •    GREEN   •         AKARY  •
     fortunate he was to have “people who   their homes transformed into much   overwhelmed  not only  by the  assis-  engagement  with a Friendly  Visitor
     care about you.”                     more pleasant spaces in which to live.  tance I received but by the speed with   are requested to contact JHP Director                            WINSTON E. BARZELL, MD, FACS, FRCS
        At Rosh Hashanah, JHP provid-         During  the  Covid-19  pandemic,   which your staff worked and the com-  Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz at jkatz@jfcs-                                  Diplomate of the American Board of Urology
     ed challahs to area survivors. When a   JHP’s Jewish Financial  Assistance   passion I was shown throughout the or 941.366.2224 x166. Addi-                                     JOSHUA T. GREEN, MD, FACS
     case manager brought a challah to the   department has received numerous re-  process. The knowledge that I will be   tionally, those interested in becoming                             Diplomate of the American Board of Urology
     home of one couple, the wife came to   quests associated with housing. JHP’s   able to stay in my current housing un-  Friendly  Visitors  should also  be  in                                  EIHAB AKARY, MD
                                                                                til I can begin a teaching position next   touch with him.                                                                Urologist
                                                                                year fills me with indescribable relief.   While worship experiences during                                  CASIE WODZIEN, MSN, APRN, ANP-BC
                                                                                I have never worked with anyone as    Covid-19 were conducted via Zoom
                                                                                kind or understanding as my case man-  for senior facilities resident, the return  3325 S. Tamiami Trail, Suite 200  6310 Health Parkway, Suite 210  4351 Cortez Road, Suite 201
                                                                                ager. I cannot express enough thanks to   to facilitating  them  in person is now   Sarasota, FL 34239  Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202  Bradenton, FL 34210
                                                                                her, JFCS, the Jewish Federation and   happening. Please contact Rabbi Katz   PHONE: 941.917.8488          
                                                                                all the donors who make assistance     if you would like to assist with these   FAX: 941.917.8475                      a Division of 21 Century Oncology
                                                                                possible.”                            worship opportunities.
                                                                                   Thank Y
                                                                                   Thank You

                                                                                       for your                  Impact

                                                                                         was donated in 2020-21 to the Keep Us Safe fund by 204
                                                                                         generous donors to help keep our community safe and secure

                                                                                   If you would like to help more,
                                                                                   please visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/donate
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