Page 46 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 46

10B                         December 2021                                                                   FOCUS ON YOUTH

     Temple Sinai’s first Intergenerational Shabbaton

     By Gail Glickman
              orship, discussions and     service, everyone enjoyed a Kiddush   achievement  of this Intergenerational   views and voices should be heard and
              breaking bread together     luncheon, sponsored by  Temple Si-    Shabbaton was that it brought people   respected, and that we all learn from
     Wmarked Temple Sinai’s first         nai Youth Groups and Chavurah, with   of different ages together to experience   each other.
     ever Intergenerational  Shabbaton on   a  traditional  Jewish meal  of bagels,   Shabbat and a Shabbat meal, sharing   Ted Gast said, “This will encour-
     November 6. The program was chaired   cream  cheese,  whitefish  salad,  hum-  thoughts and opinions, and listening   age the younger generation to continue
     by Ted Gast, Lucy Thomas and Phoe-   mus and dessert.                      to the thoughts of people of different   to be involved in the Jewish communi-
     be Winters, and the Shabbat morning      After the luncheon, teen and adult   generations,  accepting  that  all  ideas,   ty as adults.”
     service was led Rabbi Samantha Kahn   table  captains paired up to lead their
     and  Chazzan  Cliff  Abramson  along   respective groups in a guided discus-
     with participation from teen and adult   sion based on open-ended  questions   Temple Beth Sholom
     temple  members. The Torah  service   about the concept of justice. Examples
     and D’var Torah explored the week’s   of discussion questions: What is justice   Youth Group update
     parsha,  Toldot  (the  conflict  between   to you? Is there justice in America? Is
     Jacob and Esau), leading to a rich dis-  justice politically motivated? Is it a po-  By Joshua Mellits, Youth Co-Advisor
     cussion that analyzed the relationship   larizing issue for us? Who has the right   hanukah might be arriving ear-  tails on previous and upcoming events,
     between its respective lessons and the   to administer justice? Does the United   lier than usual this year, but its   be sure to follow chapter activities on
     program’s theme  of  justice. After  the   States Constitution align  with Jewish  Cmessage of spreading light in   Instagram @srq_usy.
                                                      law and, if so, in what   the face of darkness is always on time.   Safety remains our top priority. As
                                                      ways?                     Temple Beth Sholom USY (SRQUSY)       of October 27, regional and subregional
                                                         The groups explored    is excited to celebrate this joyous holi-  programming mandates will be as fol-
                                                      these questions and what   day in person this year!             lows:
                                                      both U.S. and Jewish laws     Just as the victorious Maccabees   ‹   All  of  age  eligibility  MUST  be
                                                      can teach us about justice.   redeemed the desecrated Temple centu-  vaccinated to attend (must be at a
                                                      What made this special    ries ago (the word “Chanukah” means       minimum  of two weeks after  the
                                                      day unique was that adults   “dedication”),  SRQUSY is preparing    second vaccination shot) or have a
                                                      and children learned from   to revamp the youth lounge at Temple    negative rapid test within 12 hours
                                                      each  other and gained  a   Beth Sholom after it sat empty during   of the event and provide proof of
                                                      broader perspective  of   the pandemic. Many thanks to temple       test results. The proof of test must
                                                      each  other’s views about   members  Barbara  and Steve  London     be a printed report with the date/
                                                      controversial  topics.  A   for their generous donation of furniture   time, name and date of birth of the
                                                      brit kehillah, or code of   for the lounge and to Rabbinic Assis-   participant.
                                                      conduct,  helped ensure   tant/Youth Assistant Kelly  Nester  for   ‹   Masks are required to be on at all
                                                      that a safe and respectful   arrangements to prepare and clean the   times!
                                                      space was created for all   space.                              ‹   Programs can ONLY be held out-
                                                      participants  to  feel  com-  SRQUSY will host its own Cha-         doors (water parks are not permit-
                                                      fortable to share their per-  nukah celebration on Sunday, Decem-   ted).
                                                      spectives and ideas.      ber 5, and will also explore other local   Happy Festival of Lights!  Chag
                Lucy Thomas and Phoebe Winters,
                Intergenerational Shabbat planners       The most important     community programs. For the latest de-  Urim Sameach!

                                                                                        Make someone

                                                                                        feel special

                                                                                        on their birthday

                                                                                        by making a donation

                                                                                        in their name.

                                                                                        Call Bonnie at   Or visit                             FED
        For more information about STEP,                                                941.343.2115        to donate                                          we are
        go to or contact
        Jessi Sheslow at                                                                                                                                      JFEDSRQ.ORG
        or 941.343.2109.
                                                                                                                                                                     Educating Jewish Minds  Engaging Jewish Lives  Enriching Jewish Hearts
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