Page 47 - Jewish News_December 2021
P. 47
FOCUS ON YOUTH December 2021 11B
Temple Emanu-El welcomes record number
of Consecrants at beautiful service
By Temple Emanu-El Director of Education Sabrina Silverberg, MARE
ukkot culminates in the happi- Temple Emanu-El Religious School. crants received certificates and their
est and most meaningful Jewish All enjoyed a beautiful morning that own little illustrated Torahs, highlight-
Sholiday of all: Simchat Torah included a Simchat Torah and Conse- ing the special meaning of this joyful
(Rejoicing with the Torah). The Torah cration service and dancing with the occasion. A special moment also rec-
is the heart of Judaism. It is especially Torah around the sanctuary. Conse- ognized the 2020 Consecrants who had
meaningful to note that the last letter
of the Torah is Lamed, and the first let-
ter of the Torah is Bet. Together they
spell the word Lev, or “heart” in He-
brew. Simchat Torah is a day when we
rejoice in the Torah, finish reading the
last words of the Torah, and begin read-
ing it all over again in the same breath.
It is traditional to hold Consecra-
tion – a celebration of new students Temple Emanu-El Consecrant Nathaniel Marcus
proudly shows his Certificate of Consecration
– on or near Simchat Torah. Just as and illustrated Torah
reading the Torah never ends, by wel- their ceremony on Zoom last year. The
coming new students into the fold of event culminated with an outdoor cake
Judaism, we hope that our people will and punch reception. It was a day full
always endure. of joy and promise.
On Sunday, October 3, Temple Mazel tov to Temple Emanu-El’s
Emanu-El was happy to say Bruchim wonderful Consecrants and their fami-
Habaim – Welcome! – to a record 27 Temple Emanu-El’s wonderful Consecrants joined Director of Education Sabrina Silverberg, MARE, lies – and to all who are beginning their
new students and 23 new families at Associate Rabbi Michael Shefrin and Senior Rabbi Brenner Glickman on the bimah Jewish education everywhere!
Community Day School celebrates
6 Annual Challahween
ershorin Schiff Community cocting their own unique challah cre- ferent for the past two years due to students from across Sarasota-Manatee
Day School wrapped up the ations. Covid-19 protocols, we are thrilled to the opportunity to connect with Jewish
Hfirst trimester on its new cam- In Community Day’s Early Child- be able to continue this beloved cele- traditions in ways that promote creativ-
pus with the 6 Annual Challahween hood Education Center, students began bration at Community Day, providing ity, engagement and understanding.”
Celebration in late October. Challah- the day with a challah-themed Shabbat
ween provides an opportunity for each service, then received challah dough.
child at Community Day to learn more In keeping with the school’s Reg- HERSHORIN SCHIFF
about the traditions associated with gio-Emilia-inspired philosophy, each COMMUNITY DAY SCHOOL
challah bread. classroom made use of their unbaked Serving Preschool - Grade 8
Students in the upper school par- challah. Some chose to watch the Join Us On Our New Campus!
ticipated in several activities, including dough rise as they learned about the Low student:teacher ratios Torah Academy
creating their own tzedakah envelopes, science behind the phenomenon, while Individualized instruction Daily fine arts
honing their challah-braiding skills, others chose to braid or bake their por- Outdoor learning and play Athletics for all K-8
Accredited by FCIS, FKC &
for all
painting a wall with local “Spread tions. Hebrew and Spanish offered Prizmah
Love” muralist Brandon Thrift, play- Head of School Dan Ceaser said,
ing distanced outdoor games and con- “While Challahween has looked dif- 4335 Wilkinson Road | Sarasota, FL 34233 | | 941-552-2770
n t
e K
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Community Day student Harper Skrzypkowski with challahs at school Shabbat services
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