Page 61 - Issue 43
P. 61

Word to the wise... bear
                      in mind the size of the

                        tires that are on the
                        rear end, lest they’re

                              different sizes.

                           Next, using the same principle, we made an   be completely safe, which is always our
                      anti-sway bar and mounted it to the center of the   goal. For more info, you can always contact me
                      rear end and up to the frame on the left side. Next,   at, or check out RingRods
                      we made traction bars from the same 2x3x1/8 wall   Hotrod Shop on the internet. You can also add me
                      thickness tubing. We welded two 2”x1/4” bars from  on Facebook, just look up the name Tommy Ring.
                      the bottom of the rear end and mounted the front   I will gladly take the time to walk you through any
                      of the bars to the frame itself. We bored a hole   issues you may be having with your hotrod. Until
                      through the frame and welded a sleeve into it, then  then, Happy Rodding! Tommy Ring
                      mounted the front of the traction bars with 1/2”
                      grade 8 bolts. If you have a four-link system, that
                      would be great, but we didn’t. This is the cheap
                      way of giving you another option that works great          TOMMY RING
                      and is plenty safe. It will make your rod handle the     RINGRODS.COM
                      way it is supposed to.                              RINGRODS@GMAIL.COM
                           Next issue, we will tackle the front axle and its   RINGRODSFACEBOOK

                      setup. As always, it will be setup in the cheapest
                      way possible to save you money but will also

                                                                                     RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     61

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