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Special Agents of Δ Academy

                     Thursday 1:45-3:00    Session: N17          3rd - 5th Level       Ballroom C Room

                        Number Line to 10,000,000 and Other Math


               Jim Franklin is a special education teacher at Elm Street Elementary School in Rome,
               Georgia. During the 2011-12 school year, Jim needed some new rounding

               strategies/interventions that had been successfully implemented by other teachers.

               He asked math specialists in his school and searched for ideas on the Internet. There

               were not a whole lot of options. he only saw blocks, dry erase markers and boards,

               and number lines. Other than those options, paper and pencil were the last resort.
               Jim could not use a number line above the large dry- erase board in his lesson

               because it only went to 100; his students were rounding numbers greater than 100.

               Although all four options have been used for years and have had some success, he

               wanted math manipulatives that could make an immediate impact on educational

               performance and not be considered a “toy” by his students. Then, Jim had an idea…
               Google "Rounding Math Manipulatives and join Jim as he demonstrates his number

               line to help students round numbers up to 10,000,000. View a variety of math

               manipulatives and learn differentiation strategies and tips that address the standards

               of fractions, decimals, money, elapsed time, capacity, and weight.

                                                     Jim Franklin

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