Page 43 - 2024 Program File
P. 43

Thursday, November 21, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                   Session 25 will be held in the Senate Room from 11:10 - 11:35

                     Implemen�ng Equitable Mathema�cs Prac�ces through

                                             Project-Based Learning

               NAEP data shows no increase in 4th or 8th-grade math proficiency across all 50
               states. A cultural gap between teachers and students has caused fric�on in
               instruc�on. Equitable project-based learning can bridge this gap, improving

               rela�onships and challenging students, ul�mately boos�ng achievement. Grades

                                         Dr. India White, SAVVAS Na�onal Consultant

                                 Session 26 will be held in the Carolina A Room from 11:10 - 11:35

                   Unlocking Mathema�cal Discourse: Strategies for Effec�ve

                                      Communica�on in Mathema�cs

               Par�cipants will discover prac�cal strategies for engaging students in meaningful
               mathema�cal discourse, fostering camaraderie, and promo�ng conceptual
               understanding in secondary se�ngs. Let's work together to unlock the poten�al
               of mathema�cal discourse and inspire a lifelong love for learning mathema�cs.

               Grades 6 -12

                                        Dana Williams, Chester County School District

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