Page 47 - 2024 Program File
P. 47

Thursday, November 21, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                               Session 34 will be held in the Under Escalator Room from 11:10 - 11:35

                                          Stop, Collaborate, & Listen

                   Newcomers Meet the SCCTM President and Past President

               Atending the SCCTM conference for the first �me can be overwhelming, but you
               don’t have to navigate it alone! Join SCCTM President Eugene and Past President
               Alisa as they share their insights on how to make the most of your conference

               experience. They understand that some lessons can only be learned through
               experience, but they’re here to help you avoid missing out on the wonderful
               opportuni�es the SCCTM conference has to offer. Eugene and Alisa will pass along

               the valuable �ps they've gathered over the years, from naviga�ng the sessions to
               understanding the benefits of SCCTM membership. They’ll be available to answer
               your ques�ons, ensuring you're ready to Stop, Collaborate, & Listen, and engage
               fully with everything the SCCTM Conference has in store for you.  SCCTM

               Newcomers and First Time Conference Atendees

                                           Dr. Eugene Bellamy Jr., SCCTM President

                                            Alisa Hobgood, SCCTM Past-President

                                     Session 35 will be held in Ballroom A from 11:40 - 12:05
                    Enhancing Middle School Math with Daily Math Fluency

               This presenta�on focuses on leveraging daily math fluency rou�nes to cul�vate

               meaningful mathema�cal discussions in middle school classrooms.  The session
               emphasizes crea�ng a suppor�ve classroom environment that encourages peer
               collabora�on and cri�cal thinking through open-ended mathema�cal ques�oning

               using daily fluency excercises. Grades 6 - 8

                                           Linda Branham, hand2mind Consultant

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