Page 50 - 2024 Program File
P. 50

Thursday, November 21, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                 Session 41 will be held in the Carolina A Room from 11:40 - 12:05

                   Unlocking Mathema�cal Discourse: Strategies for Effec�ve

                                      Communica�on in Mathema�cs

               Par�cipants will discover prac�cal strategies for engaging students in meaningful
               mathema�cal discourse, fostering camaraderie, and promo�ng conceptual
               understanding in secondary se�ngs. Let's work together to unlock the poten�al

               of mathema�cal discourse and inspire a lifelong love for learning mathema�cs.
               Grades 6 -12

                                        Dana Williams, Chester County School District

                                 Session 42 will be held in the Carolina B Room from 11:40 - 12:05

                Elevate Your Math Workout: Mathema�cal Fitness, Fluency, &

                                              High-Quality Prac�ce

               You can't out train a bad math diet! Elevate your students' workouts with an
               insistence on high-quality prac�ce, embedded within deep conceptual
               understanding, strategic reasoning, and problem-solving opportuni�es. Connect
               mathema�cs to real-world contexts and implement hands-on strategies to achieve

               true mathema�cal fitness in your classroom. PreK - 8

                                             Tim Kenney, Curriculum Associates

                                          James Duke Chinn, Curriculum Associates

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