Page 48 - 2024 Program File
P. 48

Thursday, November 21, 2024

                                                Stop, Collaborate, & Listen
                                            Thinking Mathematically Together

                                     Session 36 will be held in Ballroom B from 11:40 - 12:05

                              Hands-On and Self-Correc�ng Math Centers

               In the Hands-on and Self-Correc�ng Math Centers workshop, atendees will play
               with and KEEP materials that they can take back to their school and use with their
               students.  Grades PreK - 5

                                               Rich Stuart, Learning Wrap-ups

                                     Session 37 will be held in Ballroom C from 11:40 - 12:05
                        Game On: Modernizing Math & Unlocking Poten�al

               Unlock student poten�al & increase engagement with hands-on ac�vi�es and
               digital game-based learning! Discover its equitable impact & learn prac�cal
               integra�on strategies. Join us to shape the future of math educa�on. Ideal for
               educators seeking innova�ve teaching methods and an experien�al session.

               Grades PreK - 8

                                               Sean Reidy, Legends of Learning

                                Session 38 will be held in the Hall of Fame Room from 11:40 - 12:05
                Only 5 Minutes! Using Small Ac�vi�es for Big Payoffs in Upper

                                                      Level Math

               What if I told you that you didn't need to plan huge curricular changes to make a
               big impact on your students' conceptual learning? I will share with you some
               great, short ac�vi�es to use in precalculus or calculus to get your students
               thinking about the concepts they are learning; all of which can be found in the

               Deconstruct Calculus series. Grades 10 - 12 , Higher Educa�on

                                       Kathryn Pedings-Behling, College of Charleston

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