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We have your best interests in mind with every decision we make regarding your
                     property. Sometimes – it may seem like we don’t when things don’t go the way it
                     was planned. Our goals are intertwined – our successes are yours. And we work with
                     that end in mind.

                     Our core value is Tenant Happiness – because without our tenants, none of this is

                 Let’s get PHILOSOPHICAL

                     It’s important for you to know what we think about our business – what makes us
                     successful in the management of your home. The answer – we think – is easy. What
                     the answer means is a bit harder for folks to grasp. As you continue to read, you’re
                     going to find our motivations go back to one thing – TENANTS. Happy tenants pay
                     their rent, they put in less work orders, they leave their property in as good or better
                     condition than they found it. We base our reputation on the feedback we receive
                     from our tenants – and you should be happy about that. The better our reputation
                     is with our tenants, the more easily we’re going to rent your property for the right
                     value. Our tenants are our best advocates, and while we strive for retention, tenants
                     move for a vast number of reasons.

                     What does that mean to you, as the owner of the property? It means we have high
                     expectations for the condition of your property; it means we’re going to be less
                     focused on squeezing every, last dime out of your tenants and more on treating
                     them fairly. Years of experience has proven that in the long run – if you let them
                     keep their dimes, you’ll make more dollars…if you catch our drift.

                     If Tenant Happiness is our 1(A) philosophical goal, then 1(B) is honest
                     communication. That goes for our communication with you; and, it applies to our
                     tenants, our contractors, and everyone affiliated with our business. You should
                     expect to hear from us – and not just when we’re sending you your check every
                     month, or when something goes wrong. When we inspect your property – we let
                     you know and send you pictures of the condition of your home. When your tenant’s
                     put in work orders – we send them to you. We don’t necessarily need to hear back –
                     after all, you hired us to take care of this stuff! But, we want to keep you in the loop.
                     We recognize that your home is important to you – and its peace of mind to not
                     only know that someone is watching it for you, but to have pro-active contact and

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