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                  454                   CHAPTER 11   MONOPOLY AND MONOPSONY

                             LEARNING-BY-DOING EXERCISE 11.4
                    E  D
                             Computing the Optimal Monopoly Price for a Linear Demand Curve
                             Along a linear demand curve, the price  Thus, the IEPR for this example is
                  elasticity of demand is not constant. Nevertheless, we
                  can still use the IEPR to compute the profit-maximizing  P   50       1       200   2P
                  price (and then use that result to compute the profit-    P         (  2P  )     2P
                  maximizing quantity). Also, we can get the same results              200   2P
                  by applying the profit-maximizing condition expressed  If we multiply each side of this expression by 2P, we
                  in equation (11.1)—MC   MR.                      get a simple linear equation: 2P   100   200   2P, or
                      Suppose a monopolist has a constant marginal cost  P   75. Thus, the profit-maximizing monopoly price is
                  MC   $50 and faces the demand curve P   100   Q/2  $75. We find the profit-maximizing monopoly quantity
                  (which can be rewritten as Q   200   2P).
                                                                   by substituting this price into the demand curve:
                                                                   Q   200   2(75)   50.
                                                                   (b) To solve the problem by equating MR and MC, re-
                  (a) Find the profit-maximizing price and quantity for  call Learning-By-Doing Exercise 11.1. In that exercise,
                  the monopolist using the IEPR.                   we showed that, for a linear demand curve of the form
                                                                   P   a   bQ, marginal revenue MR   a   2bQ. In this
                  (b) Find the profit-maximizing price and quantity for  example, then, MR   100   Q. Since MR   MC and
                  the monopolist by equating MR to MC.
                                                                   MC   50, 50   100   Q, or Q   50. Substituting this
                                                                   quantity back into the demand curve, we find that P
                  Solution                                         100   50/2   75.
                  (a) For a linear demand curve, the price elasticity of   Thus, the IEPR and the MR   MC condition give
                  demand is given by a formula derived from the general  the same results for the profit-maximizing price and
                  expression for elasticity,   Q,P   (¢Q/¢P )(P/Q). 6  In this  quantity (this is as it should be, of course, since the IEPR
                  particular example,  Q/ P   2, so                was derived from the MR   MC condition). Also, note
                                                                   that for a linear demand curve, where price elasticity of
                                                                   demand is not constant, we have to begin with the gen-
                                     Q,P    2                      eral formula for   Q,P  when applying the IEPR.
                                                                   Similar Problem:   11.11
                  Since Q   200   2P,

                                        200   2P

                                        THE MONOPOLIST ALWAYS PRODUCES ON THE
                                        ELASTIC REGION OF THE MARKET DEMAND CURVE

                                        Although a monopolist could, in theory, set its price anywhere along the market
                                        demand curve, a profit-maximizing monopolist will only want to operate on the elastic
                                        region of the market demand curve (i.e., the region in which the price elasticity of
                                        demand   Q,P  is between  1 and  q). Figure 11.9 illustrates why. If you were a monop-
                                        olist and you contemplated operating at a point such as A at which demand was in-
                                        elastic, you could always increase profit by raising your price, reducing your quantity,
                                        and moving to point B. When you move from point A to point B, your total revenue
                                        goes up by the difference between area I and area II, and your total costs go down be-
                                        cause you are producing less. If your total revenue goes up and your total costs go
                                        6 For discussion of how the price elasticity of demand varies along a linear demand curve, see Chapter 2.
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