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                                                   11.5 THE WELFARE ECONOMICS OF MONOPOLY                       469
                      In Chapter 10 we showed that a perfectly competitive equilibrium maximizes social 11.5

                      welfare (net economic benefit). We also showed that departures from perfectly com-  THE WELFARE
                      petitive equilibrium create deadweight losses. As we will see, the monopoly equilib-
                      rium does not, in general, correspond to the perfectly competitive equilibrium. For  ECONOMICS
                      that reason, the monopoly equilibrium entails a deadweight loss as well.  OF MONOPOLY

                      Figure 11.16 shows the equilibrium in a perfectly competitive market. The competi-
                      tive equilibrium price is $5.00 per unit, where the industry supply curve S intersects
                      the demand curve D. The equilibrium quantity is 1,000 units.
                         Suppose this industry was monopolized (we might imagine a single firm acquir-
                      ing all of the perfect competitive firms, keeping some in operation and shutting
                      down the rest). Now recall from Chapters 9 and 10 that the industry supply curve
                      in a competitive market tells us the marginal cost of supplying units to the market.

                                  $15              Monopoly profit-maximizing price point J
                                                   Perfectly competitive equilibrium: point K
                          Price (dollars per unit)  Monopoly $9  A  J  F  K      S, MC

                                   $3        E          G
                                                           MR                   D
                                    0                600        1,000
                                                                                        FIGURE 11.16    Monopoly
                                                   Monopoly    Perfectly                Equilibrium versus Perfectly
                                                   output      competitive              Competitive Equilibrium
                                                               output                   The profit-maximizing monopoly
                                                   Quantity (units per year)            quantity is 600 units per year, and
                                                                                        the profit-maximizing monopoly
                                                                                        price is $9 per unit. In a perfectly
                                                                            Impact of
                                              Perfect Competition  Monopoly             competitive market, the equilib-
                                                                                        rium quantity is 1,000 units and
                                                                                        the equilibrium price is $5. At the
                            Consumer surplus  A + B + F         A            – B – F    monopoly equilibrium, consumer
                                                                                        surplus is A and producer surplus
                            Producer surplus  E + G + H         B + E + H    B – G      is B   E   H. Consumer surplus
                                                                                        in the competitive market is
                            Net economic benefit  A + B + E + F + G + H  A + B + E + H  – F – G  A   B   F, while producer surplus
                                                                                        is E   G   H. The deadweight loss
                                                                                        due to monopoly is thus F   G.
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