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                                           11.4 MONOPOLY WITH MULTIPLE PLANTS AND MARKETS                       467
                      in allocating output across its individual plants. Thus, the conditions for profit maxi-
                      mization by a cartel are identical to those for a multiplant monopolist. To illustrate,
                      suppose a cartel consists of two firms, with marginal cost functions  MC 1 (Q ) and
                      MC (Q ). At the profit-maximizing solution, the cartel allocates production between
                      the two firms so that marginal costs are equal and the common marginal cost equals
                      the industrywide marginal revenue. Mathematically, letting Q* be the optimal total
                      output for the cartel as a whole, and letting Q* and Q* be the optimal outputs of the
                      individual cartel members, we can express the profit-maximization condition of the
                      cartel as follows: 14
                                                   MR(Q*)   MC (Q*)
                                                   MR(Q*)   MC (Q*)
                         Figure 11.15 (with curves identical to those in Figure 11.14) illustrates the solution
                      to the cartel’s profit-maximization problem. In this example, the profit-maximizing
                      cartel output occurs at 3.75 million units per year, and the profit-maximizing price is
                      $6.25 per unit (again as in Figure 11.14, illustrating that the cartel’s profit-maximization
                      problem is identical to that of a multiplant monopolist). The cartel then allocates
                      production across its members to equalize marginal costs across firms. Notice that
                      the firm with the higher marginal cost schedule (firm 1) is allocated the smaller share
                      of total cartel output (1.25 million units versus 2.5 million units for firm 2). Thus,
                      the cartel does not necessarily divide up the market equally among its members: The
                      low-marginal-cost firms supply a bigger share of total cartel output than do the high-
                      marginal-cost firms.

                                                         MC (firm 1)         MC (firm 2)
                            Profit-                         1                   2
                          Price (dollars per unit)  Common                      MC  (cartel)  FIGURE 11.15  Profit
                                                                                            Maximization by a Cartel
                                                                                            The cartel’s marginal cost
                                                                                            curve MC T is the horizontal
                                                                                            sum of MC 1 and MC 2 , the
                            cost for
                                                                                            individual firms in the cartel.
                            firm in                     MR                   D              marginal cost curves of the
                                                                                            The cartel’s optimal total
                            cartel                                                          output of 3.75 million units
                                   0    1.25  2.5  3.75
                                                                                            per year occurs at MR
                                                                                            MC T , where the optimal
                                     Output   Output   Profit-maximizing
                                     produced  produced  total output                       price is $6.25 per unit. Firm
                                     by firm 1  by firm 2                                   1 produces 1.25 million units
                                                                                            of the total output, and firm
                                              Quantity (millions of units per year)
                                                                                            2 produces 2.5 million units.
                      14 We can also express the cartel’s profit-maximization condition as an IEPR, where P* is the cartel’s
                      optimal price:
                                           P*   MC 1 (Q* 1 )  P*   MC 2 (Q* 2 )  1

                                               P*           P*          Q,P
   488   489   490   491   492   493   494   495   496   497   498