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With great appreciation, we thank all of our sponsors for their most Binghamton University Small Scale Systems Integration and Packaging
generous support! (S3IP) Center of Excellence
The S3IP, comprising five constituent research
centers and two laboratories (available for
GOLD Sponsors industry use), solves practical problems for
electronics industry partners. Its industrial
Cisco Systems Inc.]
member-driven research portfolio and
Cisco Internet of Things (IoT) brings together experience base in thermal management, manufacturing materials, failure
people, process, data, and things to make analysis, reliability improvement, and energy efficiency for electronic
networked connections more relevant and systems underpins improvements in the manufacturing of microelectronic
valuable than ever before. IoT turns information products, commercialization of flexible printed electronic technology,
into actions that create new capabilities, richer development of advanced batteries and energy harvesting devices, and
experiences, and unprecedented economic improvements in the energy efficiency of data centers.
opportunity for organizations.
For more information please visit the website:
The Cisco IoT System is made up of:
• Network connectivity
• Fog computing
Xilinx is the world’s leading provider of All
• Data analytics Programmable FPGAs, SoCs, MPSoCs and
3D ICs, enabling the next generation of
• Security (cyber and physical) smarter, connected, and differentiated
systems and networks. Driven by the industry-wide shifts towards Cloud
• Management and automation Computing, SDN/NFV, Video Everywhere, Embedded Vision, Industrial
IoT, and 5G Wireless, Xilinx innovations enable these applications that are
• Application enablement platform
both, software defined, yet hardware optimized.
For more information please visit the website:
For more information please visit the website:
Intel Corp.]
University of Texas at Arlington Electronics, MEMS & Nanoelectronics
You may know us for our processors. But we do Systems Packaging Center]
so much more. Through computing innovation,
The Agonafer Group at the
we push the boundaries of smart and
University of Texas at Arlington
connected technology to make amazing
has two centers. The first is The
experiences possible for every person on Earth.
Center for Energy-Smart
From powering the latest devices and the cloud
Electronic Systems (ES2) which is a National Science Foundation Industry/
you depend on, to driving policy, diversity, sustainability, and education,
University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) established to develop
we create value for our stockholders, customers, and society.
methodologies for efficiently operating electronic systems, including data
For more information please visit the website: centers, by controlling resources and managing workloads to achieve
optimal energy consumption. The second is an Electronic Packaging
Center that addresses reliability of microelectronics from packages to
For more information please visit the website:
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