Page 7 - ASME ISPS 2016 Program
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General Information
In a world focused on applications, bits, bytes, and the cloud, the If you have any questions or need assistance, an ASME representative will
importance of hardware advancements is often taken for granted. Many of be located at the conference registration area.
the conveniences we enjoy today exist because of physical systems and
components which were designed and engineered by mechanical
engineers. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has REGISTRATION
brought together this valuable community for more than 20 years through
Registration will be located in the Grand Ballroom Foyer on the lobby level
the Information Storage and Processing Systems Conference and
of the hotel. The hours are as follows:
InterPACK (packaging) conference. The increased confluence of hardware
and internet connectivity has brought upon a need for a new Sunday, June 19, 2016 3:00pm – 6:00pm
complementary event: ASME’s IoT Connect: Intelligent Hardware
Conference. This event was designed to bring together manufacturers, Monday, June 20, 2016: 7:00am – 6:00pm
communications specialists, and business leaders to explore IoT hardware
from the component to the system level. Thank you to all who Tuesday, June 21, 2016: 7:00am – 3:00pm
collaborated, planned, and executed this timely event.
SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA Please wear your name badge at all times. Admission to all conference
The County of Santa Clara, also referred to as “Silicon Valley”, is unique functions will be by the badges only (unless noted otherwise). Your badge
because of its combination of physical attractiveness and economic also provides a helpful introduction to other attendees.
diversity. With its numerous natural amenities and one of the highest
standards of living in the country, the County has long been considered
one of the best areas in the United States in which to live and work. REGISTRANTS WITH DISABILITIES
Whenever possible, we are pleased to make arrangements for registrants
The County of Santa Clara is located at the southern end of the San
with disabilities. Advance notice may be required for certain requests.
Francisco Bay and encompasses 1,312 square miles. Today, the County is a
For on-site assistance, please visit the conference registration area and
major employment center for the region, providing more than a quarter of
ask to speak with a conference representative.
all jobs in the Bay Area. It has one of the highest median family incomes in
the country, and a wide diversity of cultures, backgrounds and talents.
Home to three major universities - Stanford University, Santa Clara
University and San Jose State University, the city continues to attract TICKETED FUNCTIONS
people from all over the world. All full conference registrants will receive tickets to gain access to the
conference: Reception, Keynote Breakfasts and Keynote Luncheons. If
you would like to bring a guest to these functions, you must purchase an
HOTEL additional ticket on their behalf. The ISPS Banquet is not included in the
full conference registration fees. All interested persons must purchase a
Discover the quintessential California getaway when staying at the
ticket accordingly.
luxurious Santa Clara Marriottt. The hotel offers a convenient location just
5 minutes from the Santa Clara Convention Center and 10 minutes from
San Jose International Airport (SJC). Levi’s Stadium, home of the San
Francisco 49ers, is just steps from the front doors, and Santa Clara CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS
University and the Great America theme park are within close reach as Registered attendees will receive both CD and online access to all papers
well. Experience the ultimate Silicon Valley retreat at Santa Clara Marriottt. scheduled to be published (ISPS conference only). Online access, will be
given via email from ASME Publications prior to the start of the conference.
Santa Clara Marriottt Hotel The email includes a link to obtain access to all of the technical papers
2700 Mission College Blvd. scheduled to be presented in Santa Clara, CA. The official 2016
Santa Clara, CA 95054 conference proceedings will be published after the conference and will
Phone Number: 408-988-1500 not include those papers that were not formally presented on site at the
conference. The official proceedings are registered with the Library of
Congress and are submitted for abstracting and indexing. They will also
be published in the ASME Digital Collection.
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