Page 4 - ASME ISPS 2016 Program
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InterPACK Workshop
Chair’s Welcome Message
On behalf of the Electronic and Photonics Packaging Division (EPPD) of the ASME, we have
the pleasure of welcoming you to the 2016 InterPACK Pathfinder Workshop at the Santa Clara
Marriottt, June 20-21.
For more than two decades, ASME’s InterPACK has established itself as a premier packaging
conference with strong academic and industrial support. The conference has continued to
distinguish itself in exploring future packaging challenges and in providing comprehensive
analysis and solutions for current challenges. It has evolved to become a unique meeting
place of tremendous technical depth, enhanced by strong industry-academia advisory
committees and a very popular student competition.
This year, the organizing committee is assessing the best directions for future growth of the
conference by examining the current state and future roadmaps of the industry and research
through an interactive workshop, where industry and academic visionary leaders will present
invited talks and participate in panels. The motivation for the workshop is to better explore
the future needs of the packaging community over the next two decades, so that the
InterPACK conference can effectively address these needs.
Working with a host of volunteers, we have assembled an impressive program with distin-
guished speakers from academia, industry and consortia. We have also expanded our scope
to adopt a broad systems focus and are partnering with the inaugural IoT Connect and the
25th annual Information Storage and Process Systems Program (ISPS) conferences to provide
a diverse vista to our participants.
We would like to acknowledge all the volunteers who have taken time from their busy
schedules and helped us recruit top speakers, and develop exciting panels where panelists
will share their tremendous depth of experience and future vision with audiences. We also
thank the Design Materials and Manufacturing (DMM) segment of the ASME for their
enthusiastic support of this pathfinding forum.
We are very excited to be here. Over the next two days as you interact with this dynamic
assembly of thought leaders, we hope you will develop new connections, new perspectives
and new ideas that will propel our field forward. We encourage you to engage with the rest of
the workshop participants and look forward to hearing from you on how we can as a group
continue to forge new directions and continue to develop new leaders and new ideas that
will define our future.
Ravi Mahajan
IPW General Chair
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