Page 19 - The complete woman - WomenWithDifference
P. 19

No teacher can take your place as a parent(s). Teachers are to do 10% while you

               are to do 90% in raising your kids and even the 10% of the teacher must be
               thoroughly scrutinized to ensure they are teaching the right thing.

               From statistics, the IQ, skill, knowledge and experience of a four year old today is
               equivalent to that of a nine year old a decade ago. Our kids are no longer in the

               jet age but rather in the vanishing age. If you don't grasp them and hold them
               firmly, they will be lost forever.

               Ps 127:3  say CHILDREN are the heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is

               His reward.

               Parents are only care takers and as such are expected to produce maximally if

               they are to be paid by the one who employed them. You will give accounts to God
               for how well you handled his heritage.

               God is our perfect model for parenting and we cannot parent successfully without
               having an intimate relationship with God. This is because parenting can be bitter-

               sweet and hard if you depend on self alone.

               Two key words to note in parenting are: LOVE and GIVING

                   1.  LOVE

               We are to love our kids unconditionally just as Christ loves us, and we are to give
               ourselves wholeheartedly to them. But mind you love does not entail indiscipline

               and complacency (i don't care attitude). As a matter of fact, if you love your
               child(ren) you will enforce discipline. What most parents call love, is nothing but

               hatred in disguise.

               A situation whereby you allow your kids make decisions for you, you give orders

               and they are not followed through, you spoil them lavishly with material things,
               they refuse to go to church and you are comfortable, they play during devotion,

               fail to show respect in private and public etc and you keep quite, believe me, that
               child will lose control and become your master.
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