Page 20 - The complete woman - WomenWithDifference
P. 20

The first language of love is discipline. And in order to discipline our kids, we

               ourselves must be disciplined because kids don't do what we command, they do
               what they see us do.

               HOW DO WE SHOW LOVE

               1. Live by example - Eph 5:1

               2. Teach them the word of God no matter their age. Bring it up or down to their


               3. Magnify the things of God. For instance I realized my kids were enjoying
               secular cartoons more than bible story cartoons, so I enforced the bible story
               cartoons against their wish but I would sit with them and explain every detail of

               the cartoon in a most dramatic way that it eventually becomes Interesting to
               them. They love Spiderman, but now Jesus is their ultimate superhero because of

               how I have magnified him in their sight.

               4. Take them to church and make them concentrate during services. Never get
               into the habit of giving your kids toys or phones to play with in church whether or
               not they understand what is being preached. They need to learn to take God

               seriously. Give them clean offerings not dirty money that has been rejected while
               you reserve the best for buying ice-cream after church.

                They must learn to honor God.

               5. Pray for them and teach them to pray. This will help them when you are away

               from them.

               6. Help them develop good character. Teach them manners, teach them to share

               & be kind. Teach them rights from wrong. Teach them to forgive. If your child tells
               you that someone offended him, what will be your response?
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