Page 23 - The complete woman - WomenWithDifference
P. 23
ahead and spills water all over the floor. The consequence for his action will be to
dry the floor, while I make him realize his wrong without necessarily raising my
voice. At the end of the day I would have taught him to be responsible for his
actions and to be obedient.
10. Don't provoke your kids to anger. Encourage their efforts so that they don't
go seeking approval in the wrong places. Be their biggest fan and cheerleader.
Don't compare them to other siblings or kids.
Respect their uniqueness. Love them unconditionally, not only when their grades
are good if not they will lose their confidence which is still developing and they
will lack self-love.
Honestly I can't possibly write all about children upbringing here. I am writing a
book on this and will let you know when it's ready.
But remember that whatever you expect of your kids must be seen in you first.
Don't be the typical African parent that would not use courtesy words such as
please, am sorry, thank you, excuse me and pardon me to a child because you feel
they lack understanding. Times have changed. How you raise you kids will
determine how they fend for you tomorrow. If you are lazy about it, society will
help you in a destructive way.
Remember there are no blank spaces in life. It is either you fill answers in the
blank spaces of your kids lives or the world will do it for you.
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart
from it.
The child you refuse to train today will take away your rest tomorrow.
May God empower us in Jesus name, amen.