Page 180 - Introduction to Business
P. 180

154     PART 1  The Nature of Contemporary Business

                                     EXHIBIT 4.11
                                     Common Causes of Small Business Failure

                                       • Choosing a business that is not very profitable
                                       • Inadequate cash on hand to carry the business through the first six
                                         months or so before it starts making money
                                       • Failure to clearly define and understand the business’s market, customers,
                                         and customers’ buying habits
                                       • Failure to price the business’s product or service correctly
                                       • Failure to adequately anticipate cash flow in terms of expenses for inven-
                                         tory and later receipts on sales
                                       • Failure to anticipate or react to competition, technology, or other changes
                                         in the marketplace
                                       • Trying to do everything for everyone, which leads to spreading the busi-
                                         ness too thin and so diminishes quality
                                       • Overdependence on a single customer
                                       • Uncontrolled growth, as going after all possible opportunities drains the
                                         business’s cash and actually reduces overall profitability
                                       • Managers believing they can do everything themselves, instead of delegat-
                                         ing authority to others
                                       • Inadequate management, which commonly occurs as a company grows
                                         and individuals’ abilities to manage and plan become ill suited to the
                                         new situation

                                     Source: U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy, Washington, DC, 2003 (

             Careers in Small Business

                                     There are so many small business opportunities out there that it can be difficult to
                                     decide on the best choice for you. The U.S. Department of Labor has established a
                                     comprehensive database named the Occupational Information Network (O*NET)
                                     at whose website,, job seekers can learn about the
                                     skills required for particular occupations. Links to other valuable Internet resources
                                     are provided, including wage and occupational trend information and job accom-
                                     modations for those with disabilities.
                                        According to Assistant Secretary Emily Stover DeRocco, head of the depart-
                                     ment’s Employment and Training Administration, “This tool identifies the require-
                                     ments of the twenty-first century workplace so that employers and job seekers can
                                     speak the same language about job opportunities. Hiring better suited workers
                                     increases the job satisfaction of workers and retention of employers.” Not sure
                                     about what occupations are right for you? O*NET allows you to explore opportuni-
                                     ties on the basis of your personal qualities and preferences.
                                        Another good source of information on careers is the U.S. Small Business
                                     Administration’s website at You can get career advice, distribute
                                     your resume, and check available jobs that are listed there. The website also has
                                     links to small business information by state.

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