Page 182 - Introduction to Business
P. 182

156     PART 1  The Nature of Contemporary Business

        promoted to a higher position at a faster rate than large  control of the firm (as shareholders can vote on major
        firms. Ethical issues abound in the business environ-  firm decisions) but can increase the wealth of the origi-
        ment of small firms. Legal issues, organizational poli-  nal business owners by selling the stock for an attrac-
        cies and procedures, and a business philosophy (i.e.,  tive price. Finally, business risks can arise from both
        company credo or code) are important to communi-    internal and external sources. Internal risks are directly
        cate to all employees. Many small firms are family busi-  under the control of management and relate to the
        nesses that have their own unique set of costs and ben-  firm’s revenues and costs. External risks are not under
        efits. At some point a small firm may decide to go  the control of the firm; for example, competition from
        public by selling out or doing an initial public offering  other firms and catastrophic losses from property dam-
        (IPO) of its stock. This decision involves how much  age and legal problems. Small firms should work with
        control is desired by the owner-manager and financial  their accountant, insurance agent, and lawyer to man-
        wealth implications. Issuing common stock diminishes  age external business risks.

            Chapter Questions                               14. Compare the sole proprietorship and the
                                                                partnership forms of business organizations.
         1. How does small business affect employment in a  15. Why would a firm opt to become a C corporation?
            country?                                            S corporation?
         2. What is creative destruction and what role do   16. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the
            small firms play in this process?                   franchise form of corporation?
         3. How can small firms compete with large firms that  17. Form groups of four people in the class. Each
            have the advantage of economies of scale?           group is responsible to visit a local franchise, meet
         4. What is a home business and why do some people      with its manager or owner, and write a report on
            opt for this type of small business?                the strengths and weaknesses of the operation of
         5. List three things that government can do to         the franchise.
            support small business development in a country.  18. What is small business ethics? Discuss legal crite-
         6. Are entrepreneurs different from other people?      ria, organizational policies and procedures, and
            How? What is an intrapreneur? Why would             personal philosophy as dimensions of small busi-
            someone prefer to be an intrapreneur rather than    ness ethics.
            an entrepreneur?                                19. Give two ways for a private small business firm to
         7. What kind of education and training would help to   go public. How could a venture capitalist influence
            prepare a person to run a small business?           this decision?
         8. Why are women and minorities important to       20. What are internal versus external business risks?
            maintaining a vibrant small business sector?        What can small businesses do to help control these
         9. In a business plan, what are the vision, or mission,  risks?
            statement, goals, and strategies? Why are these
            important for small business firms?                 Interpreting Business News
        10. Form groups of four people in the class. Students
            will meet in these groups for 30 minutes. Each   1. In the newspaper you read that “Creative destruc-
            group is required to propose an idea for a new      tion among business firms has been led by
            business based on their own personal experiences,   dynamic changes taking place in the small busi-
            and explain why they believe their idea will be     ness sector.” How would such changes eventually
            successful. (Note: This assignment can be           result in both increased employment and
            completed either in class or outside of class at    increased profitability of business firms in the
            the discretion of the instructor.)                  future?
        11. What other key components, in addition to those  2. A firm issues new shares of its common stock. How
            mentioned in question 9, should be in a good        might this determine who controls the firm?
            business plan?                                   3. A company’s credo or code is to produce the high-
        12. Who are venture capitalists? Angels? What role do   est quality products without cutting corners and
            they play in the early stages of development of a   without damaging the environment and commu-
            growing small business?                             nity in the surrounding area. What kind of ethical
        13. How can firms create value? What is a crucial       values does this credo suggest?
            factor in successfully creating value?

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