Page 184 - Introduction to Business
P. 184

158     PART 1  The Nature of Contemporary Business

                      Test Prepper

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        True/False Questions                                      2. A person within a large corporation who
        Please indicate if the following statements are true or      takes responsibility to develop a new product
        false:                                                       through innovation and risk taking is
                                                                     referred to as a(an)
               1. The competitive process of business success
                 and failure proposed by Joseph Schumpeter           a. entrepreneur.
                 is known as creative destruction.                   b. small business owner.
                                                                     c. intrapreneur.
               2. Computer and telecommunications technol-
                                                                     d. inventor.
                 ogy is increasing the number of home busi-
                                                                     e. innovator.
                 nesses and opening up new working oppor-
                 tunities for disabled persons.                   3. Government can support small business by
               3. Entrepreneurs can earn a salary from run-          a. reducing the number of government
                 ning a small business but are not allowed to          websites.
                 earn extra income from the net profits of the       b. making more complex tax rules.
                 firm.                                               c. diminishing access to financial
               4. SCORE is an organization made up of retired
                                                                     d. decreasing access to important informa-
                 executives that seeks to help small busi-
                 nesses get professional counseling services.
                                                                     e. reducing burdensome regulation.
               5. Ethnic diversity is an important ingredient in
                                                                  4. Which of the following is not a personal
                 building a more prosperous small business
                                                                     quality of an entrepreneur?
                                                                     a. Commitment to make the business prof-
               6. Seed money is the net profits earned by a
                 small business firm.
                                                                     b. Enjoying working for her- or himself
               7. A company credo or code is important as a
                                                                     c. Self-confidence to be able to run the busi-
                 marketing jingle or catchy phrase to attract
                                                                     d. Fear of failure
               8. Risks of losses that severely cripple the busi-    e. Risk taker willing to take the plunge and
                 ness or even cause bankruptcy are known as            start a small business
                 business risks.
                                                                  5. Which of the following is not an essential
               9. Disability insurance can be purchased to           component of a small business plan?
                 cover longer-term expenses resulting from a
                                                                     a. Common stock
                 chronic medical condition that prevents a
                                                                     b. Vision, or mission, statement
                 person from continuing to work.
                                                                     c. Goals
              10. A severe recession is known as a                   d. Strategies
                 depression.                                         e. Overview of the company
                                                                  6. Leadership entails
        Multiple-Choice Questions
                                                                     a. avoiding enthusiasm and confidence.
        Choose the best answer.
                                                                     b. reducing decision making.
               1. Some experts consider a small business with
                                                                     c. decreasing effective communication with
                 less than five employees to be a
                 a. partnership.                                     d. getting all other people to do the work.
                 b. microbusiness.                                   e. motivating others to join in the vision of
                 c. sole proprietorship.                               the firm.
                 d. C corporation.
                 e. S corporation.

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