Page 181 - Introduction to Business
P. 181

CHAPTER 4   Small Business and Entrepreneurship  155


                      LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1                          ingredient to building a prosperous small business
                      Explain why small business is important.      sector.

                 Small businesses are vital to any country as catalysts
                                                                         LEARNING OBJECTIVE 4
                 for dynamic change in the business sector. New firms
                                                                         List and briefly define each of the essential compo-
                 arise in a competitive business environment to replace
                                                                         nents of a business plan.
                 old, outdated firms in the process of creative destruc-
                 tion. Small firms play a central role in the invention  Developing a business plan is a crucial step in starting a
                 and innovation of new products and services        new enterprise. Some of the components of this plan are
                 demanded by customers. What they give up in efficient  the vision statement, goals, strategies, and products and
                 production due to a lack of scale economies compared  services, as well as marketing, management, operating,
                 to large firms, small firms gain back in terms of experi-  and financial plans. Business ideas should be backed up
                 mentation, flexibility, diversity, and change, which  with marketing research to gauge customer demand.
                 enable them to thrive in market niches. The small busi-  Seed money is needed to begin initial production and
                 ness sector is large in most developed countries,  keep the firm going for one to two years. Venture
                 accounting for over 50 percent of employment in the  capitalists (including angels), banks, and the government
                 United States as well as most new job creation. Tech-  are common sources of start-up funding. To create value,
                 nology and globalization of the business world are  a business must contribute to its customers, employees,
                 lending themselves to more family businesses, greater  and investors. Leadership by the owner-manager is a
                 market access, and increased networking of small   necessary factor in creating value in any firm.
                                                                         LEARNING OBJECTIVE 5
                      LEARNING OBJECTIVE 2
                                                                         Compare the different small business organizational
                      Discuss the ways government can support small      forms, including sole proprietorships, partnerships,
                      business enterprises.                              corporations, and franchises.
                 In recognition of the importance of the small business  Different forms of business organizations exist. The
                 to national business development, governments in   sole proprietorship and partnership are most often
                 many countries offer a variety of forms of assistance to  used at the early stage of a firm’s development. As firms
                 entrepreneurs. Information on how to start a business,  grow, they should consider the corporate and franchise
                 business plans, financing, and so on is available on a  forms of organization. These forms allow greater access
                 number of government websites and at local govern-  to capital and faster growth. Each form has its advan-
                 ment offices in many communities.                  tages and disadvantages, which should be evaluated by
                                                                    the small business entrepreneur. Differences among
                      LEARNING OBJECTIVE 3                          these organizational forms are evident with respect to
                      Describe the personal qualities and training needed  direct versus indirect control, manager versus firm
                      to be a successful entrepreneur, including the cases  liability, personal versus corporate taxation, and the
                      of women and minorities in small business.    book value versus the market value of stock.

                 Entrepreneurs can be anyone with a business idea
                 about something people want. Rather than working for    LEARNING OBJECTIVE 6
                 an established firm for a regular wage, entrepreneurs   Evaluate key small business management decisions,
                 set out to own and operate their own business. Some     including hiring employees, ethics issues, family
                                                                         business benefits and costs, going public versus
                 advantages are being your own boss, directly receiving
                                                                         staying private, and controlling internal and
                 the rewards of your labor, working at home or in a
                                                                         external business risks.
                 family business, and lifestyle benefits. Entrepreneurs
                 tend to be people who have a commitment to make the  Key small business management decisions must be
                 business profitable, desire independence, have self-  made about hiring employees, ethics in entrepreneur-
                 confidence in their personal ability, and are risk takers  ship, running a family business, going public versus
                 to some degree. Education and training are important  staying private, and controlling business risks. In small
                 in reducing the risk of failure. Interestingly, women and  firms each employee is relatively more important and
                 ethnic groups hold a prominent place in the small  more expensive to train than in large firms. Small firms
                 business sector due to the fact that diversity is a key  offer employees a chance to gain experience and get

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