Page 183 - Introduction to Business
P. 183

CHAPTER 4   Small Business and Entrepreneurship  157

                     Web Assignments                                 3. Use an Internet browser to explore small business
                                                                        support groups in your area. What kinds of
                  1. Go to the Small Business Administration’s website  organizations did you find? What kinds of support
                     ( and look for a reference to starting  do they offer to foster the success of small
                     your business. From the information there, put     businesses in your community?
                     together a start-up checklist.                  4. What kind of career fits you? Go to the U.S.
                  2. What kind of assistance can small business firms   Department of Labor’s O*NET website,
                     obtain to export their products to other countries, and explore
                     at the U.S. Department of Commerce’s website,      occupations based on your personal skills and
            Give three examples of such        characteristics.

                              Portfolio Projects

                 Exploring Your Own Case in Point                       search for your company’s name there. What kind
                 This chapter examines principles of small business     of data can you find? Also search for stock price
                 planning and development. However, many of these       information about your company. How has your
                 principles are applicable to firms of all sizes. For your  company’s stock been doing?
                 selected company, some key questions to answer in this
                 area are as follows.                               Starting Your Own Business
                  1. Does your selected firm have franchises? If not,  After reading this chapter, your business plan should
                     why do you think that they are not used by the  contain answers to the following questions.
                     firm?                                           1. How is your new business related to your own per-
                  2. What is your company’s credo or business philoso-  sonal experiences and life?
                     phy? How does the firm implement this credo in  2. What is your vision for the new business?
                     practice?                                       3. Provide detailed descriptions of the firm’s products
                  3. Go to your firm’s website and find its accounting  or services in addition to discussing their innova-
                     and financial information. If there is no website for  tive or new aspects.
                     your firm, go to and

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