Page 215 - Introduction to Business
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CHAPTER 5   Managing and Organizing Business  189

                 legal staff. Finally, some companies function on a  organizations. The chief executive officer (CEO) is
                 committee or team approach which involves a        usually the number one manager in an organization.
                 delegation of authority to committees or teams.    Middle managers implement the policies and strategies
                                                                    developed by top managers and run important
                     LEARNING OBJECTIVE 6                           segments of the organization. First-line managers are
                     Explain briefly the directing and controlling  directly responsible for supervising and working with
                     functions of the management process, including  employees and getting the necessary work done.
                     the use of six sigma initiatives.              Moreover, most large businesses and other
                                                                    organizations have managers working in a wide variety
                 Once organizations have planned and organized to
                                                                    of specialized areas such as human resources,
                 make things happen, employees in them need to be
                 motivated and directed toward achieving what the   marketing, and accounting.
                 organization wants to achieve. Things have to be made
                 to happen, and some monitoring or controlling of the    LEARNING OBJECTIVE 8
                 organization’s progress toward its goals becomes        Analyze the different types of skills that go into
                 necessary. Most organizations have a feedback process   making effective managers.
                 whereby employees and others who aren’t meeting    A wide variety of skills go into making effective
                 organizational performance goals are informed and  managers. Managers need conceptual skills enabling
                 given the opportunity to take corrective action. Six  them to think broadly and abstractly, and often
                 sigma initiatives, taken in recent years by many leading  technical skills like an in-depth knowledge of
                 corporations, are one type of control mechanism. Such  computers, which help them perform a specialized
                 initiatives set a very high standard for the quality of  task. Increasing globalization has led to a greater and
                 production, stating that out of 1 million products  greater need for managers to have international skills
                 produced only three or four will have any quality  such as the ability to speak a foreign language. Finally,
                 problems.                                          human relations skills, involving the ability to get along
                                                                    and deal effectively with other people, are always
                     LEARNING OBJECTIVE 7                           extremely important for managers to possess.
                     Describe the basic kinds of managers within
                 Organizations have various kinds of managers. Top
                 managers are the people that run companies and other

                     Chapter Questions                               6. What are the negatives of having public CEO
                                                                        succession races of the kind held by General
                  1. What are some arguments for the proposition that   Electric on the succession of CEO Jack Welch?
                     the CEO of Goldman Sachs Group, Henry Paulson,  7. You graduate from school and open a company
                     should not have apologized to company employ-      providing crisis planning consulting for
                     ees for the statement he made at the referenced    businesses. What are three things you would
                     investment conference?                             advise companies to plan for in the event of a ter-
                  2. You are the manager of a major league baseball     rorist attack at their corporate headquarters?
                     team with the strategic goal of winning the World  8. The U.S. Army is an example of an organization
                     Series. What type of strategy would you formulate  with a very strict chain of command. What are
                     to achieve this goal, and how would you go about   some examples of organizations with looser chains
                     implementing this strategy?                        of command?
                  3. Do you think a mission statement is necessary for  9. You graduate school and are hired into a highly
                     a company to have? Why or why not?                 specialized position in an organization. After a
                  4. You and a friend are thinking about starting a     year or two you become very bored in your job.
                     company that would rent dorm refrigerators at      What are some job assignment alternatives you
                     local college campuses and you need to do a        can propose to your supervisor that don’t involve
                     strategic environmental analysis. What would an    your entirely giving up your current position?
                     environmental analysis involve in such a situation?  10. What are some departments in the organization
                  5. How do tactical plans differ from operational      where you currently work or have most recently
                     plans?                                             worked?

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