Page 218 - Introduction to Business
P. 218

192     PART 2  Managing Business Behavior

                      Test Prepper

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        True/False Questions                                         d. Operational
        Please indicate if the following statements are true or      e. Contingency
        false:                                                    3. The problem with comparaggio is that
               1. Baseball teams involve little management.          a. people don’t like doing business in Italy.
               2. Being a dreamer is a sure way to fail in busi-     b. it creates ethical problems.
                 ness.                                               c. IBM Corporation is headquartered in New
               3. An environmental analysis for a corporation
                                                                     d. Dell Computer Corporation is
                 might involve extensive analysis of its com-
                                                                       headquartered in Texas.
                                                                     e. it makes doing business in China difficult
               4. Operational plans for the Whirlpool
                                                                       for the Whirlpool Corporation.
                 Corporation might involve deciding what
                                                                  4. An example of departmentalization by
                 newspaper advertisements to place for three
                                                                     customer would be
                 months for its Polar products in Poland.
                                                                     a. the securities law department of a law
               5. The events of September 11, 2001, probably
                 increased corporate contingency planning
                                                                     b. Dell Computer Corporation’s
                                                                       headquarters in Austin, Texas.
               6. Job specialization involves shifting
                                                                     c. the Oklahoma department of a regional
                 employees from one job to another.
                                                                       ice cream manufacturer.
               7. Large retail stores typically use geographic       d. the U.S. Navy.
                 departmentalization.                                e. the children’s department of a clothing
               8. Delegation is often hard for managers                retail store.
                 because it means giving up control.              5. The Ritz Carlton Hotel chain is a good exam-
               9. A company in-house attorney has                    ple of a __________ because authority has
                 considerable line authority.                        been spread throughout the organization.
              10. First-line managers are directly responsible       a. centralized organization
                 for supervising and working with employees.         b. decentralized organization
                                                                     c. six sigma organization
        Multiple-Choice Questions                                    d. hotel chain with security problems
        Choose the best answer.                                      e. hotel chain with a military chain of
               1. In deciding its strategic moves, Whirlpool
                 Corporation is most likely to consult with       6. President Harry S Truman once expressed
                                                                     concern that his successor, Dwight D. Eisen-
                 a. Maytag Corporation.
                                                                     hower, would have a hard time with
                 b. Boeing Company.
                                                                     __________ because of Eisenhower’s military
                 c. Sears, Roebuck & Company.
                 d. Disney Corporation.
                 e. General Motors Corporation.                      a. the planning aspects of the presidency
                                                                     b. the pomp and circumstance of the
               2.     plans are a list of what a company has
                 to do in the very short run to achieve its
                                                                     c. the organizing aspects of the presidency
                 strategic goals.
                                                                     d. the directing aspects of the presidency
                 a. Strategic
                                                                     e. the matrix organizational structure of the
                 b. Tactical
                 c. Succession

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