Page 216 - Introduction to Business
P. 216

190     PART 2  Managing Business Behavior

        11. Why is delegating authority so hard for managers    Shaquille O’Neal, the Clippers have a very low total
            to do?                                              annual player payroll of about $34 million. Donald
        12. A matrix organizational structure is most           Sterling’s low-budget approach also involves hiring
            appropriate in what kinds of situations?            as few coaches as possible and trading players
        13. A newspaper currently operates at the three sigma   (such as Ron Harper and Derek Anderson) if they
            level with respect to errors in its printed stories,  do well and start demanding higher pay rates. Why
            but wants to move to the six sigma level. What      do you think Donald Sterling has adopted this kind
            does this mean? What are three specific             of business strategy? Do you agree with his
            suggestions you might make to the newspaper’s       business strategy? (Hint: The Clippers post an
            management regarding how it might best make         annual operating profit of $16 million, twice the
            this change?                                        NBA average, and Sterling’s initial investment in
        14. It is true that probably more than an average       the team is now worth well over $200 million.)
            number of CEOs were formerly marketing
            managers. Why do you think this is the case?
        15. What are some of the kinds of international skills  Web Assignments
            managers will find most useful in today’s world
            business environment? What are some ways         1. Go to the website of the Goldman Sachs Group
            students can best gain these skills?                investment bank,, and find the
                                                                section on careers. Within the careers section, go
                                                                to the business divisions section and then find the
            Interpreting Business News                          section that lists Goldman Sachs’s 14 business
                                                                principles. What are Goldman Sachs’s key business
         1. The U.S. military is increasingly developing a      principles? Write a one- to two-page paper
            network organizational structure, with significant  analyzing the comments made by the company’s
            military functions being contracted out to private  CEO, Henry M. Paulson, in the introductory
            companies. You may never have heard about           vignette of the chapter in the context of these
            companies like DynCorp, Cubic, PCI, and MPRI,       company business principles. Specifically discuss
            but they do billions of dollars a year in business  the extent to which Mr. Paulson’s comments jibe
            with the federal government, providing services to  with the company’s stated principles.
            the military ranging from KP duty and laundry    2. The Kraft Foods Corporation,
            detail to enlisted personnel recruiting. The idea is, formerly had a very unusual
            that the U.S. military should focus on its core     top management structure, one held by less
            competency and leave doing laundry, slicing         than 1 percent of public companies in the
            potatoes for dinner, and so on, to the private      United States. Go to the Kraft website’s 2003
            nonmilitary sector. Recent efforts by the U.S. Army  prior news release section and to its December 16,
            with regard to contracting out recruiting functions  2003 news release discussing management
            to companies with human resources management        changes. What was so unique
            expertise have enabled it to transfer back to the   about Kraft’s former management structure?
            field hundreds of soldiers who had been working     Write a one-page analysis of why you think this
            at various army recruiting stations. Do you agree   management structure failed. Also, discuss the
            with the U.S. military’s increased emphasis on      types of organizations or situations where you
            contracting out? What are some arguments against    think such a management structure might
            such contracting out with respect to recruiting and  operate more successfully.
            some other functions?                            3. The Coca-Cola Company is one of the world’s most
         2. You have probably never heard of Donald Sterling.   well-known companies, with arguably the world’s
            He is the very low-key owner of the Los Angeles     most famous brand. Look up the company’s
            Clippers basketball team. Sterling bought the team  website, Look for
            in 1981, when it was based in San Diego, for        the company’s beliefs and then the Coca-Cola
            $12.5 million. In 1984 he moved the team to Los     promise, which is the company’s mission
            Angeles. Over the past two decades or so, the       statement stating why it exists. Write a one-page
            Clippers have had one of the very worst             paper setting forth Coca-Cola Company’s mission
            performance records in the National Basketball      statement and analyzing (drawing on the plethora
            Association. While the other professional           of other information on this website) whether
            basketball team in Los Angeles, the Los Angeles     you think the company is currently fulfilling its
            Lakers, lavishes huge salaries on players like      mission.

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