Page 290 - Introduction to Business
P. 290
264 PART 2 Managing Business Behavior
To attain a leadership role in a firm, you should be willing and able to take on
strategic responsibilities. While a manager’s effectiveness is dependent on how he
or she builds relationships with others, a leader’s agenda is different. There are four
basic traits that differentiate leaders from managers. 24 First, leaders have a more
open-ended approach than managers and work to create a vision of the future. Sec-
ond, leaders put more stress on communication. Third, leaders aim to inspire and
motivate the organization. Finally, a leader’s job is to create and manage change. In
essence, while a manager’s job is focused on execution and control, leadership
deals with planning and vision. In other words, while management is about the
present, leadership is about the future. Hence, to obtain a leadership position in a
firm, the career path is through any management function, as long as you are an
effective communicator and a visionary.
This chapter focused on two major human resources they are with their job. Second is that there is one “best
issues, employee motivation and corporate leadership, way” to get any job done and, once that is identified,
that have a paramount impact on corporate goals, output can be measured and projected to meet
customer satisfaction, and corporate profitability. corporate goals. Scientific management involves
When we study motivation and leadership, we must breaking each job into several independent tasks;
always consider these issues within the framework of identifying, selecting, and training the best workers to
globalization, information technology, and ethics. perform each task efficiently with the help of
appropriate machine tools; and promoting cooperation
LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1 between managers and workers to guarantee that the
Explain what motivation is and the importance of job is accomplished as planned. This approach led to
keeping employees motivated. the development of the piece-rate system, where
employees are paid on the basis of the number of units
A motive is a specific need or desire that arouses an they produce. This system is used today in several
individual and directs his or her behavior toward industries worldwide such as automobile assembly and
achieving a goal. When the stimulus induces goal- meatpacking. Although Taylor’s scientific management
directed behavior in an individual, we say that the techniques have revolutionized production
stimulus has motivated that person. Leadership in management, his assumption that the prospects of
organizations plays an extremely important role in increased pay would lead to rising worker motivation is
motivating employees. High employee morale leads to not universally held.
job satisfaction, productivity increases, customer
satisfaction, and rising corporate profits. Employees LEARNING OBJECTIVE 3
want to be treated with respect, valued for their Compare the behavioral studies of Elton Mayo with
qualifications and accomplishments, and compensated Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and explain which
in an equitable manner. Employees also like a work theory is more meaningful today.
environment that is harmonious—one where the
relationship between managers and employees is Elton Mayo’s studies found an important link between
cordial. work environment and employee job satisfaction,
morale, and productivity. This implied that firms that
pay attention to their employees’ welfare will likely
have a motivated workforce that will be productive; a
Discuss Frederick Taylor’s scientific management satisfied employee is a productive employee.
theory, and explain how his pioneering work has
practical value even today. Maslow believed that an employee’s motive to work
was based on satisfying five distinct categories of need,
Frederick Taylor’s scientific management theory which are based on an individual’s circumstance. The
involves dissecting factory work into its logical individual could rank these needs from lower to higher
components and figuring out the most efficient way in importance, with basic needs being satisfied first
of getting the job done. Taylor believed in two basic before an employee can be motivated to work toward
principles. First is that workers are interested only in the next level of need. According to Maslow, basic needs
money, so the more money they earn the more satisfied include such things as food, clothing, and shelter, which
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