Page 295 - Introduction to Business
P. 295
CHAPTER 7 Motivating and Leading Employees 269
Portfolio Projects
Exploring Your Own Case in Point Starting Your Own Business
After reading this chapter, you should be able to After reading this chapter, you should appreciate the
research the employee motivation strategies and lead- important role employee motivation and leadership
ership style of your chosen company. play in your business’s success.
1. Determine how management tries to motivate 1. How do you plan to motivate employees in your
employees to achieve corporate objectives. Refer business? Explain why you will choose that partic-
to specific theories discussed in this chapter. Does ular approach.
the company use the same motivation strategy in 2. How do you plan to keep employees in your busi-
all its operations, domestically and internationally? ness satisfied with their jobs? What will be the
2. Does your company practice MBO? If your com- annual cost associated with this?
pany uses job enrichment programs, describe the 3. In order to retain valued employees, what types of
programs. How do employees feel about these pro- work incentives will you have in place in your
grams? business? What type of work-life program dis-
3. If your company participates in work-life programs cussed in this chapter would you develop for your
to help valued employees, describe the programs. business?
Have they been successful? 4. What leadership style would you choose for your
4. What is the CEO’s leadership style? How much of business? Why? What are its implications for
the firm’s success or failure can be attributed to the employee motivation and business performance?
CEO’s leadership qualities? What do you think
about the CEO’s leadership?
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