Page 297 - Introduction to Business
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CHAPTER 7 Motivating and Leading Employees 271
c. hygiene factors are more important than d. an approach in which employee rewards
motivation factors. will reflect whether the employee met
d. hygiene factors include supervision, his or her goals.
working conditions, and company e. a system that involves goals based on the
policies. company’s mission statement.
e. motivation factors are related to the 8. Which of the following statements about
work environment. work-life programs is false?
5. Ouchi’s Theory Z a. They are here to stay, since they are
a. is based on a comparison of Japanese designed to meet present-day
and U.S. management practices. employees’ family needs.
b. advocates total adoption of Japanese b. They have been made possible
business practices by American firms to because of globalization and the
succeed in the global environment. Internet.
c. is based on the fact that Japanese man- c. They crucially depend on the ethical
agement practices are far superior to behavior of employees to be
their U.S. counterparts. successful.
d. is a combination of Theory X and d. They are of concern to managers,
Theory Y. as they may affect efficient
e. advocates individualistic decision mak- workflow.
ing coupled with individual responsibil- e. They do not reflect the true diversity of
ity for the outcomes of decisions. employee lifestyles and family
6. Equity theory states that structures.
a. employees are motivated to work smart 9. A leader who uses a top-down approach to
as long as they believe that they are management decision making is using the
treated fairly. __________ leadership style.
b. if employees are not treated fairly, they a. democratic
will work even harder until their effort is b. free-rein
recognized by managers. c. consultative
c. fair treatment of employees means that d. autocratic
all employees must be treated e. contingency
identically. 10. The contingency approach to leadership
d. all employees should have similar levels has become more prevalent for all the
of education and professional following reasons except
e. employees will work hard if they think a. the business environment is varied and
they can achieve their goals.
b. the workplace is increasingly diverse.
7. Management by objective is not c. management can use a “one size fits all”
a. a management practice first advocated method.
by the management guru Peter Drucker. d. international business is so common.
b. an approach that advocates the use of e. different people are motivated by
teams to meet corporate objectives. different things.
c. a top-down approach with corporate
goals set by the CEO.
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