Page 292 - Introduction to Business
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266     PART 2  Managing Business Behavior

        that affect their jobs provides great job satisfaction and  flexible schedules? Some of the most common types of
        motivates employees. Participative management       work-life programs practiced globally include flextime
        cannot be applied to all situations.                programs, part-time work, work-share programs, self-
                                                            managed work teams, telecommuting, and alternative
             LEARNING OBJECTIVE 7                           work styles.
             Explain why job enrichment and redesign are
             important and describe how they can be done to      LEARNING OBJECTIVE 9
             achieve corporate goals.
                                                                 Discuss what leadership is, and summarize the major
        Management’s primary objective in job enrichment and     leadership theories.
        job redesign programs is to make existing jobs more
                                                            Leadership is the art of motivating employees to
        satisfying for employees by incorporating motivating
                                                            enhance their performance in order to achieve
        factors like job rotation into them. This is done to break
                                                            corporate goals ethically. Four timeless and culture-
        the monotony in certain jobs, especially those requiring
                                                            independent elements of successful leadership are
        repetitive action. Job rotation also provides employees
                                                            adaptive capacity, the ability to adapt to circumstances;
        the opportunity to learn different skills and to obtain a
                                                            creation of shared meaning, the ability to motivate
        feel for all the operations of the company. In addition,
                                                            people behind a common goal even in the face of
        job rotation provides both employees and management
                                                            adversity; personal voice, authenticity, and character
        greater flexibility in operation, especially during periods
                                                            founded on a strong set of principles about how people
        when there is less demand for certain type of skilled
                                                            should be treated; and integrity, the delicate balance of
                                                            ambition, competence, and morality. All these factors
           In job enlargement, employees are assigned to
                                                            play a crucial role for successful leaders.
        manage and run related tasks. To help keep employees
                                                               Leadership styles are described in leadership
        satisfied and also to enhance their creativity and
                                                            theories that have evolved over time. In servant
        performance, managers often try to redesign existing
                                                            leadership theory, the leader is obligated to enhance the
        jobs. Job redesign can be accomplished through three
                                                            material wealth and reputation of the organization and
        major avenues: combining tasks, forming compatible
                                                            leave behind a legacy. An effective servant leader’s role
        work groups, and establishing customer relationships.
                                                            is to create an environment that will motivate people to
                                                            perform better all the time and provide them with
                                                            appropriate tools for achieving the corporate vision in
             Define the objective of work-life programs, and  an ethical manner. In transactional leadership, a leader
             summarize the pros and cons of the various     provides followers rewards for good performance or
                                                            reprimands followers for unacceptable performance.
        Companies all over the world have tried to address the  The leader-follower relationship in transactional
        personal and family needs of their employees by     leadership is strictly “arms-length,” and there is no
        implementing various forms of work-life programs.   mutual binding between the two to pursue and attain
        Companies in the United States have moved from      higher corporate goals. Transformational leadership
        purely performance-based objectives and policies to a  occurs when a leader inspires followers to work jointly
        more strategic approach, which is particularly aimed at  to achieve the leader’s vision for the organization and to
        meeting the needs of employees with young children.  benefit the individual members of the organization.
        Many such initiatives are based on giving autonomy to  Charismatic leadership consists of energetic
        employees about where, when, and how they work.     transformational leaders who are highly capable people
        Companies give several reasons for supporting workers  who can convert relatively weak organizations into
        in their family or personal roles. First is increasing  powerful and successful enterprises. There are several
        competition for talented employees. Second is       different contingency theories of leadership. However,
        globalization; outsourcing has made it easy and cost  all of them assert that leadership effectiveness is
        effective for firms to get certain jobs done overseas,  maximized when leaders make their behavior
        enabling domestic employees to retain the jobs that add  dependent on the characteristics of their followers and
        more value at home. Third is technology. Internet and  the situation they are in.
        information technology have made alternative work      It is a well-known fact that leaders do not interact
        styles possible. Training is often needed to ensure that  with all followers in the same way. Leaders try to
        employees are aware of their responsibilities and that  interact with different followers or groups of followers
        supervisors fully support program implementation.   in unique ways so as to optimize the interaction process
        Two questions troubling to employers are how will the  and achieve organizational goals. The aim is to bring
        implementation of flexible schedules affect workflow,  out the behavioral response of all followers that will
        customer service, and corporate performance, and    maximize leadership success. Chaos theory is based on
        what is the work ethic of the employees who request  the assumption that organizations are multifaceted and

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