Page 293 - Introduction to Business
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CHAPTER 7    Motivating and Leading Employees  267

                 complex and operate in a disorderly environment. An  leadership style is obviously the strong participation of
                 external event can shock a stable business environment  all concerned, the drawback is the likely slowdown of
                 and lead to chaos in the short term, which can impact  the decision-making process. In the free-rein style of
                 the organization. Leaders in this chaotic world are  management, employees are given complete freedom
                 called on to manage their organizations through    to perform their jobs the way they want within the
                 predetermined governing principles that emphasize  framework of company rules and regulations.
                 vision, values, and organizational beliefs. When crises  Management informs the employees or employee
                 occur, effective leadership is exercised by enforcing  teams on what is expected of them and when. Then it is
                 agreed-on corporate governing principles, which    left to the employees to decide on how they want to
                 should then lead to acceptable solutions.          perform their jobs to meet corporate goals.
                                                                       The FT/PwC report on the world’s most respected
                                                                    companies clearly shows that for corporate success, an
                     LEARNING OBJECTIVE 10
                                                                    honest, nonconformity style of management is
                     Identify how leadership impacts corporate success,  preferred to conventional management styles. This is
                     and critically discuss the various leadership styles  primarily for two reasons. First is the attitude of the
                     used today.
                                                                    employees or subordinates to the three leadership
                 Leaders are admired precisely because of their adaptive  styles. Second is from the manager’s perspective. Each
                 capacity, the way they react to the individual     conventional management style has its own strengths
                 circumstances of their companies, their industries, and  and weaknesses. Most managers like to make the
                 the global economy. Leadership style is the behavior  decision-making process short, so they can implement
                 that managers exhibit when dealing with their      their plans quickly to achieve corporate goals. The
                 employees and professional staff. It is influenced by the  autocratic leadership style offers speed in decision
                 character of the managers as well as the circumstances  making at the expense of employee participation, and
                 of the company that is being managed.              the reverse is the case with the participative leadership
                    In general, leadership styles fall within a spectrum  style. The drawback of the free-rein leadership style is
                 that ranges from autocratic style at one end to free-rein  that the number of companies where it can be used
                 style on the other, with participative, or democratic,  may not be large. Studies have shown that leadership
                 style falling in between. An autocratic style of   style has to be flexible, since the reaction to certain
                 leadership is a top-down approach to management    policies or incentives in one company may not give
                 with decisions made by the top manager with little  similar results elsewhere, especially internationally. A
                 input from subordinates. Autocratic leaders do not  single company operating internationally may have to
                 tolerate dissent and rarely seek employee participation  adopt different management styles in different
                 in the decision-making process. A purely democratic  countries. The contingency approach to leadership
                 style of leadership is practiced in only a few types of  accepts the fact that companies cannot use a “one size
                 organizations, most of which are professional.     fits all” approach to management given the complex
                 Management receives input from its members and     business environments in which they operate.
                 major policies are accepted for implementation on the  Management styles need to be adapted to the specific
                 basis of majority vote. While the advantage of such a  circumstances of the organization.

                     Chapter Questions                               4. What are Theory X and Theory Y? What do you fall
                                                                        under, and why?
                  1. What is motivation? Why do managers spend so    5. Type Z firms are a hybrid of Type A and Type J
                     much time designing different types of employee    firms. What type of firm would you rather manage,
                     motivation programs?                               and why? Substantiate your case fully.
                  2. Is the scientific management theory of motivation  6. Why are expectancy, equity, and reinforcement
                     a thing of the past? Why? If it is not a theory of the  theories called contemporary motivation theories?
                     past, give two examples, one domestic and the      Which of these theories appeals to you most, and
                     other international, where scientific management   why?
                     is currently used.                              7. Compare MBO and participative management.
                  3. What is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Do you agree  Which would you prefer, and why? Identify a
                     with his study? Is the hierarchy of needs universally  company that fits into each category and explain
                     applicable?                                        fully.

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