Page 294 - Introduction to Business
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268     PART 2  Managing Business Behavior

         8. What is the idea behind job enrichment and job      average production worker in the United States has
            redesign programs? How do these programs            risen from 42:1 to more than 400:1 (currently
            contribute to corporate profitability?              around 40:1 in Europe and Japan). What does this
         9. What is the guiding principle behind work-life      say about corporate leadership and social and
            programs? What is the difference between flextime   ethical responsibility on the one hand and
            and part-time programs? What are the benefits and   employee motivation on the other?
            costs of these programs?
        10. Self-managing teams have been found to be
            successful when implemented properly. How does
            this work, and how can managers measure             Web Assignments
            corporate benefits?
        11. What are the challenges associated with          1. Container Store,, a
                                                                Dallas-based store, continues to offer some of the
            telecommuting and alternative work styles? Are      highest salaries in the retail industry. Container
            these fads, or are they likely to become more       Store was ranked second in “Fortune’s 100 Best
            prevalent in the future?
        12. What is leadership? With the help of a flow         Companies to Work For” (Fortune, January 20,
                                                                2003). Visit the company website and identify the
            diagram, show how leadership influences             benefits that employees of Container Store receive,
            corporate performance.
        13. Summarize the three major leadership styles. What   which motivate the employees and make the
                                                                company so great.
            are the strengths and weaknesses of each? Identify  2. Motive Communications,, an
            a corporate leader who falls in each category and   Austin, Texas, software company, is not gunning for
            explain how that person fits that category.
        14. The business environment in which firms operate     any best-company-to-work-for list. CEO Scott
                                                                Harmon’s credo is, “We’re not warm and fuzzy,
            is constantly changing. In your opinion, which is   there’s not a lot of cheerleading, and we don’t give
            the leadership style that will be best suited to meet  backrubs on Fridays.” What does Harmon imply by
            our changing corporate needs?
        15. What is the leadership style and employee           saying that? Visit Motive’s website and determine
                                                                how that company motivates its employees.
            motivational strategy followed in communist      3. Let’s assume that you currently have a full-time job
                                                                but you are one of those telecommuting wannabes.
                                                                Visit the work-life program website
            Interpreting Business News                , go over the checklist of
                                                                things to do before approaching the boss, and
         1. Several investment banks on Wall Street were fined  develop your own proposal to submit to your boss
            millions of dollars by U.S. regulators for taking   so you can switch to telecommuting. To find out if
            kickbacks in the early 2000s from rich investors in  you are temperamentally suited to work at home,
            exchange for shares of hot initial public offerings  visit AT&T’s website,
            (brand new stocks being sold in the market for the  get_started, and the site managed by the Dallas
            first time). On the basis of these revelations, what  consultant Joanne Pratt,
            can you say about employee motivation,              wannabes.
            leadership, and ethics within these firms?       4. Coca-Cola,, is one of the
         2. Carlos Ghosn of France’s Renault company, took      most globalized companies in the world, with
            over a near-bankrupt Nissan Motor Company in        the bulk of its revenues and profits coming from
            1999 and turned it to profitability in record time.  abroad. The CEO of Coca-Cola would like
            Why was Ghosn trying to turn Nissan around?         consumers in every country it operates in to
            What does this say about the globalization of       think of Coca-Cola as a local, not a U.S., company.
            business and Ghosn’s leadership style?              Why, and how? Visit Coca-Cola’s website, find out
         3. Since the early 1980s, the ratio of the chief       more about its CEO, and figure out her/his
            executive’s compensation package to that of the     leadership style.

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