Page 136 - Today’s Business Communication; A How-to Guide for the Modern Professional
P. 136


                      A.B.C.C. of business writing, 15  capitalization, 40–41
                      Annual Convention of the Association   clarity, tips for achieving, 32–36
                            for Business Communication   commas usage, 41
                            in 2010, 73               conciseness, tips for achieving,
                      Armstrong, L., 11                   30–32
                      audience’s perspective, on business   ELM application in, 105
                            communication, 8–9        message learning process,
                      authority principle, 111            application to, 107
                                                      organizing information, tips for
                      Baby Boomers, 14                    achieving, 36–37
                      bad news delivery, 46–47        possessives and contractions,
                      Beavin, J., 3                       38–39
                      Bell Aliant, 18                 Ps of message, 29
                      The Big Bang Theory, 2          purpose statement, 27–28
                      Bodell, L., 60                  using numbers, 40
                      body language, 4                word choice, 39–40
                      Boston Consulting Group study, 60  business communicators, 2, 4–5, 6,
                      Broadwell, P., 6                    8, 9
                      Brown, G., 71                   credibility, 10–11
                      bullets or numbered lists, 16  business reports
                      business communication, and     never-fail outline for, 61–62
                            relationships             reminders for effective, 62–63
                        bearing good news, 48–49      SMART objectives, 67
                        Brooke’s story, 43            strategic plans and (see strategic
                        delivering bad news, 46–47        plan outline)
                        information request, 55–56    SWOT analysis, 66–67
                        Judith’s case, 43             types, 60
                        message writing              business writing
                          complaints, 53–54           errors identification
                          condolence, 53                change medium, 83–84
                          congratulations, 52           use tricks and read aloud, 84
                          recommendation, 56–58       four-step process, to proofread and
                          reprimanding, 55                revise, 73
                        positive or negative, 45–46     document formatting, check,
                        resignation letter writing, 50–51  73–78
                        thank-you note writing, 49–50   feelings evaluation of content,
                      business communications, 4, 8.      80–82
                            See also business writing;   filling or appropriate content
                            communication                 determination, 78–80
                        audience’s perspective, 8–9     spelling, grammar, and
                        avoiding grammar and writing      mechanics, check, 82–83
                            blunders, 37–41           proofreading and revision of, 71–72
                        business messages, preparing, 25–30  Butler, J., 10–11
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