Page 27 - August-2020-Issue
P. 27


              and physical stress, lack of proper  every employee of the organisa-  encompassing  following four
              balance between family care and  tion right from corporate suite to  broad  elements:  (i)    Attracting
              office  responsibility  and  com-  down the line.               women talent  towards the  orga-
              mitment,  differential  treatment   Women  at times  encounter dis-  nization (ii) Keeping or retaining
              in family, society or at the work-  crimination in some form or other   them (iii) Managing them and
              place, etc. There are many in-  in day-to-day interaction which   (iv)  Identifying visible  and  hid-
              stances which illustrate how diffi-  affects their motivation and mor-  den women talents.
              cult it has been for women across   al. Organisations need to ensure  Attracting  right  women  tal-
              the globe to attain their basic hu-  gender equality in real sense.  ent describes how to become a
              man rights like equality, justice,   Gender equality, in my consid-  strong magnet for women talent.
              gender parity, wages, exercising   ered opinion, means the respect,  Keeping or retaining women tal-
              their franchise, car driving, lead-  which a woman employee ex-  ent describes how  to create and
              ing a military troop, etc.      pects and must get  from male  maintain   conducive   working
              The year 2019 was especially re-  subordinates, colleagues and su-  environments in which women
              markable for women power.  At   periors. People around a woman  can productively pursue the joy
              29 percent, it was the highest per-  must perceive her and respect her  of  work  and  enjoy  job  satisfac-
              centage ever, of women in senior   as a colleague and not as a wom-  tion. Managing talent describes
              management positions globally.   an colleague.                  how to treat women  talents as
              Presently 87% of global business                                an important business  element/
              have at least one woman in a se-  To  ensure  gender equality in   human resource. It involves cre-
              nior management role. In March   right earnest, to have a congenial   ating opportunities and freedom
              2020, Unilever claimed  to have   working environment enabling   to work, job rotation, multi skill-
              achieved gender parity in the top   them  to discharge  responsibili-  ing - up skilling –  re skilling,
              leadership globally.  (The Hindu   ties, to nurture women leaders   training &  competency develop-
              Business  Line,  Chennai, 20th   making them competent to lead   ment programmes in synergic
              March 2020)                     from the front, and to make the
                                              forthcoming decade, a decade    functional areas, stretching them
                                              of women leadership in India in   for their  career dreams, provid-
              The Challenges                  true sense & spirit, thoughtful   ing atmosphere of gender equal-
              Merely observing International   deeds need to be undertaken.   ity,  non discrimination in day-
              Women’s  Day  in some  way or                                   to-day  interaction;  emoluments,
              other, like coming up with gifts,   It may start with positioning the   involvement in critical meetings/
                                              concept  of  gender  equality and
              organising evening functions                                    decision-making,  keeping tab
              in community hall dedicated to   respect for woman  colleague in   on predominance of such men
                                              the mind of each and every em-
              women employee, oath taking                                     members who try to marginalise/
              by  employees, introducing wel-  ployee. Men need to be adequate-  belittle  women  members  unnec-
              fare schemes/measures,  outlin-  ly sensitized on the issue. Further,   essarily in meetings, or for the
              ing SOPs to adhere to gender    career growth planning are to be   things that make them dismal.
              equality,   strict adherence by   undertaken in serious and sincere   All these are essential for manag-
              the organisation to workplace   manner so that women employee   ing, as these provide an amicable
              harassment   stipulations  like  can  see  their growth prospect.   atmosphere sans  animosity to
              Sexual Harassment of  Working   These  are the immediate  prime   discharge  their responsibilities
              Women (Prevention, Prohibition   challenges before us as well as the   thereby  enabling  them to move
              & Redressal)  Act, 2013 ( POSH   corporate houses.              up the ladder  by punctilious
              Act 2013),  in principle   compli-                              understanding of the complexi-
              ance with the policy of zero toler-  The Panacea                ties associated in each functional
              ance against any discrimination,  HR policy starting from recruit-  areas, be at design & engineer-
              etc.  are  definitely  essential  but  ment to superannuation should  ing  office,  production  planning,
              not enough as gender equality  be tweaked to a have a distinctly  shop  floor,  operation  &  mainte-
              is neither women’s issue, nor or-  designed women talent manage-  nance, erection site or launching
              ganisation’s responsibility alone.  ment  system,  of-course  within  pad, etc. Predominance of men in
              The onus lies collectively on  the ambit of organisation’s policy,  terms of number translates into

                                                                            Kaleidoscope  August, 2020  27
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32