Page 31 - August-2020-Issue
P. 31
our 'ultradian rhythm.' Our bod-
ies send us clear signals when we
need a break. Possible awareness
of this fact had led to companies
designing modern workplace
creatively with flexible layouts
incorporating nature and ample
facilities. A place where employ-
ees could take a quality break
to unwind, let their minds rest
while they move for a short walk,
for coffee or an indoor game.
Research has shown that the av-
erage employee performs only
find the variety healthy. When 2.8 hours of productive work
these aspects are compromised, To perform our work each day. Another research study
we become more vulnerable to effectively on a job requires revealed that an average UK of-
negative feelings. We can safely us to draw on our executive fice worker is only productive
add here that while previously, for 2 hours and 53 minutes out of
the struggle was about work-life functions especially the working day. The employees
balance now it is about balanc- inhibitory control; so that we were then questioned about oth-
ing self when multiple things are er activities they were guilty of
happening simultaneously at the can temporarily dissociate spending time during the work-
same time and place. ourselves from other ing day instead of working pro-
ductively? From a list of potential
cognitive and emotional options presented to them, re-
The changed nature of distractions and focus on spondents identified top distrac-
intermittent breaks tions like checking social media,
when working at the office the task itself. Working in an reading news, discussing out of
whilst home office environment enables work activities with colleagues,
The importance of building regu- employees to distance making hot drinks, smoking
lar break times into the workday themselves temporarily from breaks, eating snacks etc. Sixty-
for making work less stressful five percent of respondents be-
and more engaging for employees home and social distractions lieved that they could not get
has been emphasized time and effectively psychologically. through the working day without
again. More than 50 years ago, Getting dressed, travelling partaking in any distractions for
the pioneering sleep researcher it made the day bearable. Owing
Nathaniel Kleitman discovered to work and working to complete shift to remote work-
something he named the 'basic in a space designated ing because of COVID-19, the
rest-activity cycle'. Kleitman also specifically for work with existence of such relieving inter-
observed that our bodies operate mittent breaks has become ques-
by the same 90 minute rhythm proper infrastructural and tionable. Also, where employees
during the day. When we are systemic facilities assist do get up from their work desk,
awake, we move from higher to the nature of these intermittent
lower alertness every 90 minutes. in concentrating better, breaks while working from home
Other researchers have called this enhancing productivity. is significantly different. The ac-
tivities that now constitute the
Kaleidoscope August, 2020 31