Page 32 - August-2020-Issue
P. 32


                                                                              regular  transactions  causing
                                                                              stress and fatigue.

                                                                              COVID-19 itself

                                                                              Another cause of increased feel-
                                                                              ings of lassitude is the pandemic
                                                                              itself. Previously when work at
                                                                              home was exercised partially in
                                                                              certain jobs as per the company
                                                                              policies or employee discretion,
                                                                              it came like a positive perk of the
                                                                              job. In the current situation, how-
                                                                              ever, screens act as a reminder
                                                                              of the information in the sub-
                                                                              conscious mind that this work
                                                                              from home is not an opportunity
              break range from taking a show-  added pressure of being watched  or choice but rather an imposed
              er, cooking a quick meal, feed-  creates unique noise in mind.  decision as a disease prevention
              ing the baby, laundry, cleaning,  Often, we get conscious and  measure. With such thoughts,
              giving  attention  to  family,  pets,  caught in seeing ourself on the  employees  can  find  themselves
              making a drink etc. This has the  screen and thinking about how  unwillingly trapped in feelings
              risk of further increasing work  we appear to others.  According  of stress, isolation, boredom, low
              fatigue and listlessness.       to  Jeremy  Bailenson,  the found-  mood, anger, irritability, insom-
                                              ing director of Stanford's Virtual  nia and other physical and men-
              Virtual work fatigue            Human Interaction Lab, such  tal health problems.
                                              platforms naturally put us in a
              Much before COVID-19 organi-    position  that  is  unnatural.  For  COVID-19 has been aptly termed
              zations have been using informa-  instance, a professor teaching in  as one of the biggest psychologi-
              tion tools extensively to take ad-  a virtual classroom where most  cal experiment for which we may
              vantage of a globally dispersed  students are logged in an audio  have  to pay a heavy  price  by
              workforce. However, post  CO-   mode misses out on the natural  WEF. The large no of Whatsapp
              VID-19  imposed lockdown  the  cues and responses to his words.  forwards  and  conflicting  theo-
              social  interactions  have  got  ex-  In some cases, it becomes like a  ries on corona is further playing
              tremely limited, leading to a feel-  one-sided communication and  havoc with people's mind with
              ing of being consumed by screens  the teaching experience monoto-  an experience quite similar to a
              like never. Be it ordering grocer-  nous for the professor. There is  hypochondriac person. The same
              ies, children studying online or  a high probability of experienc-  gets reflected in people hoarding
              fulfilling  our  job  responsibili-  ing increased negative emotions  sanitizers, masks and paper rolls
              ties remotely or connecting with  like irritability, worry, loneliness  or being unduly alarmed for mi-
              friends and family over facetime.  and dissatisfaction in employees  nor psychological or physiologi-
              Though virtual work collapses  in a teleworking scenario. Flaws  cal symptoms.
              the boundaries of time and place,  like slow internet connection of
              total reliance on the same affects  a team member, interruptions,  Acknowledging the above fac-
              us at a psychological level. The  repetitions or silence induced  tors causing work lassitude is
              knowledge that you are work-    by technological lags can further  important  but  reflecting  on  our
              ing online because of an extrane-  accentuate the need to engage  thought process and how we re-
              ous stressor COVID-19, and the  in surface acting in otherwise  spond to it is even more critical.

              32    KaleidOscope  August, 2020
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