Page 36 - August-2020-Issue
P. 36
to be performed in an orderly
way on a regular basis
The People CMM’s primary ob-
jective is to improve the capabil-
ity of the workforce. In order to
measure and improve capability,
the workforce in most organiza-
tions must be divided into its
constituent workforce competen-
cies. Each workforce competency
represents a unique integration
of knowledge, skills and pro-
cess abilities acquired through
specialized education or work
experience. Strategically, an or-
ganization wants to design its people competencies. people who matter last. Till such
workforce to include the various • Capability can be measured time the human resource and its
workforce competencies required and improved at multiple lev- quality is intact other qualities can
to perform the business activities els, including individuals, always be improved and worked
underlying its core competency. workgroups, people competen- on. PCMM helps in getting the
Each of these workforce compe- cies, and the organization. pulse and measurement of exist-
tencies can be characterised by its ing health of people practices and
capability- the profile of knowl- • Organizations should invest predict areas for improvement or
edge, skills and process abilities in improving the capability of strengthening.
available to the organization in those people competencies that
that domain. are critical to its core competen- PCMM Journey @THDCIL
Each progressive level of the cy as a business. THDC India Limited (THDCIL)
model produces a unique trans- • Operational management is re- is a Schedule 'A' MiniRatna
formation in the culture of an sponsible for the capability of Company under Ministry of
organization. In order to achieve the talent pool. Power is one of the leading pow-
this, organizations are equipped • The improvement of talent pool er generating companies of India
with more powerful practices to capability can be pursued as a and it boasts of its robust people
attract, develop, organize and process composed from proven practices.
motive its workforce. practices and procedures.
The philosophy implicit in the • The organization is responsible The company is one the major
hydro power generator in India
People CMM can be summarized for providing competency and with a giant marvel of civil en-
in 10 principles: career improvement opportu- gineering, The Tehri Dam with
• In mature organizations, talent nities, while individuals are re- 1000MW of underground pow-
pool capability is directly relat- sponsible for taking advantage erhouse under its proud posses-
ed to business performance. of them. sion. The journey of THDCIL
• Talent pool capability is a com- Since technologies and organiza- towards PCMM certification
petitive issue and a source of tional forms evolve rapidly, orga- started as a part of MOU Target
strategic advantage. nization must continually evolve but the company used this op-
• Talent capability must be de- their people practices and devel- portunity to assess, improve,
fined in relation to the orga- op new people competencies. devise and implement new and
nization's strategic business Working in improving the HRT best HR processes to improve its
PCMM benchmarking from be-
objectives. practices can contribute towards ing diagonized as Level-2 organi-
• Knowledge-intense work shifts turnaround for any company as zation to achieving level 3 within
the focus from job elements to its people who matter first and its one year and thereafter achieving
36 KaleidOscope August, 2020