Page 35 - August-2020-Issue
P. 35


              that helps an organization to suc-  PCMM  enables companies  to   characteristics: Inconsistency
              cessfully  address  the critical HR  develop a mature policies and   in performing practices lack
              issues in their organization and  practices for continuously elevat-  of  coordination  in  perfor-
              align the employee needs with  ing talent pool capability. This is   mances,  displacement  of re-
              that of the customer’s or market  a significant shift from the ad hoc   sponsibilities, prevailing  for-
              needs.                          and inconsistent mode improv-    malities, Ritualistic practices,
                                              ing people capability            and    Emotionally  detached
              People   Capability  Maturity
              Model  is a maturity framework   People CMM are a framework      workforce
              that describes the key elements   that helps organizations success-  • Managed  level;  typical  char-
              of managing and developing the   fully address their critical people   acteristics Working overload,
              workforce of an organization.   issues. Based on the current best   environmental distractions, un-
                                              practices in fields such as: human   clear performance objectives or
              The Carnegie  Mellon University   resources,  knowledge manage-  feedback, lack of related knowl-
              Software Engineering Institute   ment and organizational  devel-  edge and skills, weak commu-
              developed the People Capability   opment it can guide organiza-  nication, low morale.
              Maturity Model (PCMM) to help   tions  in improving their process
              businesses, manage knowledge    for managing and developing     • Defined Level: Although, there
              workers across global borders, as   their workforces. It helps organi-  are performing basic workforce
              well as between greying and mil-  zations to characterize the matu-  practices, there is inconsistency
              lennial generations. It describes   rity of their workforce practices,   in how these practices are per-
              an evolutionary improvement     to establish a program of continu-  formed  across  units  and  little
              path from an ad hoc approach    ous workforce development, to    synergy  across the organiza-
              to managing the work-force, to a   set priorities for improvement ac-  tion. The organization misses
              mature, disciplined development   tions, to integrate workforce de-  the opportunities to standard-
              of the knowledge, skills and mo-  velopment with process improve-  ize performances of its work-
              tivation of the people that  fuels   ment and to establish a culture of   forces because knowledge and
              enhanced business performance.  excellence.                      skills to guide job activities are
                                                                               not defined well.
              The PCMM’s primary objective is   PCMM  focuses on developing   • Predictable  Level: the orga-
              to improve the capability of the   organization human skills, espe-  nization can predict its per-
              talent pool.  Talent pool  capabil-  cially their ability  in developing   formances,  because  it can
              ity can be defined as the level of   information  skills.  Purpose  of   quantitatively determine the
              knowledge, skills, and process   PCMM in organizations is to de-  capacities of its workforces and
              abilities available for perform-  velop the ability of the organiza-  can make the process of quali-
              ing an organization's business   tion to attract, expand, motivate,   fications, which are applied in
              activities. Talent pool capability   organize and maintain necessary   performing their assignments
              indicates  few  parameters  of  the   capacities to develop information
              organization:                   skills.                         • Optimizing Level: all the orga-
                                                                               nization is focused on continual
              • Readiness  for  performing  its  There are five levels or stages of   improvement. The organiza-
               critical business activities.  PCMM  framework. Each  matu-     tion uses the established results
              • Likely results from performing   rity  level  is  a  well-defined  evo-  of the quantitative manage-
               these business activities      lutionary plateau that institu-  ment activities at maturity level
              • Potential and Chances for ben-  tionalizes new capabilities for   4  to progress  into level  5. The
                                              developing  workforce. By fol-
               efiting from investments in pro-  lowing the maturity framework,   organization  uses the results
               cess improvement  or advance   an organization can avoid intro-  of the quantitative manage-
               technology.                    ducing workforce  practices  that   ment activities  established  at
                                                                               Maturity Level 4 to guide im-
                                              its employees are unprepared to
              Hence, the People CMM  frame-                                    provements at Maturity Level
              work is one which helps to build   implement  effectively.  The  five   5. Maturity Level 5 organiza-
              strong linkages of people pro-  levels are produced below:       tions treat change management
              cesses  with business  results.   • Initial  level;    typical   as an ordinary business process

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