Page 33 - August-2020-Issue
P. 33
If you start your day on a nega-
tive tone thinking, 'I can't func-
tion in this environment' or 'I just
have no time to breathe'; you will
soon find yourself a victim of cir-
cumstances. Human mind has
the tendency to seek, interpret
and remember information that
matches our beliefs, which is also
termed as confirmation bias.
So if we water the pessimistic
thoughts in our minds, the con-
firmation bias can create more
distress by making our sight bi-
ased, such that we notice only
those things that match our
negative beliefs. Hence it's our personality, identity and life permits decisions to be formed
advisable to set a schedule for story positively. The best way more by the person's instinctual
yourself in collaboration with to challenge this pandemic situ- subconsciousness. This phenom-
your family and say, 'I will finish ation is to attempt to write a enon is elucidated by science as
these chores by this time, then positive script of your life each transient hypofrontality and a
spend some time in self-care, day. By constructing and shar- typical example could be of a
then try to work without dis- ing positive and hopeful narra- musician so lost in music that he
traction and maybe spend some tives, we can help self and oth- switches the notes perfectly and
hours in reading, music or doing ers, in coping with this pandemic spontaneously.
activities I love.' with resilience. If the adverse
scenario doesn't let you do so, Many of us in life can recall of
Seeing from the realm of narrative remember the latin phrase 'Dum moments when we got so lost
psychology, our life is not merely spiro spero' which means 'while I in doing something or maybe
a calendar of events; instead, it is breathe, I hope.' in the company of someone that
about how we interpret and de- time just flew away blissfully. In
rive meaning from these experi- Another way of dealing with times of pandemic outbreak, our
ences and events. COVID-19 the stress, anxiety and uncertain- mind is driven to attach itself to
has come like an unprecedented ty is to strive to achieve a state the past or be anxious about the
event that not only changed of 'mushin.' The literal mean- future. Undoubtedly, we need to
our way of life but has left us ing of this Zen principle Mushin keep ourselves aware of the real-
lurking in uncertainty. Unlike in is an empty mind. It is a state ity, but overthinking about the
reel life, in our real-life story, the of mind where the mind is not future can also lead to mental
drama, the conflicts, the climax subjugated by any thought or agony. Creating time for pleasing
and conclusion may not happen emotion and disruptions. It re- activities that we love, and we
in a sequenced, engaging and fers to evacuating the mind from can do within the existing limi-
winning style. However, when all distractions, preoccupations, tations be it gardening, playing
we experience each of these and all other chains of thoughts. an instrument, reading or spiri-
elements happening in life, it In neurological terms in the tual pursuits, maybe can lead us
is up to us, how we choose to mental state of mushin, the pre- to experience our 'mushin' mo-
connect the dots and construct frontal cortex is reported to have ments and fuel us with much
a narrative structure that builds decreased blood flow, which needed positive energy.
Kaleidoscope August, 2020 33