Page 28 - August-2020-Issue
P. 28
the hegemony of their tendency birth to other need which is at which results in moral boosting,
which results in prevailing over. higher order and achievement of productivity enhancement, re-
Identifying women talent de- one need acts as a motivator and duction in attrition/ separation
scribes ways to identify overt and activates another. Thus, it means rate further to almost zero level.
latent talents, say, by earmark- that motivation is a perpetual On the basis of my own experi-
ing the tacit talents, by using a process and an organisation ence of working in a ‘Schedule A
performance-based identification should provide to its work force Public Sector Enterprise’ for more
methodology, or by using a test- on an ongoing basis to remain than three and half decades in dif-
based identification tool, etc.. so motivated. ferent functional areas including
that they can be posted in such The monetary motivators are ap- project sites, I personally feel that
department where they can con- posite compensation, remunera- to create confident and motivated
tribute maximum in a proactive tion, incentives, cash rewards, women colleagues (sans diffi-
bonus, etc. at least at par with dence) to follow the lead with au-
The important sub-elements industry, Job security, job sat- dacity and aplomb, distinct career
within women talent manage- isfaction, respect a woman gets growth planning is also required
ment system are recruitment & from her colleagues and hence for all of them irrespective of the
selection, training & re-training organisation, recognition for the functional areas/ departments
to keep tab on contemporary service she renders, delegation of they belong to. They should be
advancements and to cope up power & authority, the challeng- given opportunities to lead from
with the environmental changes, ing assignment assigned to them, the front and encouraged to
proper job specification & allot- applaud, open facilitation for march forward, for which they
ment, empowerment, mechanism achieving the target, either direct- are always proactive/ prompt.
to recognise/appreciate work, ly or indirectly through company The role of superior/mentor is of
proper motivation (monetary and news letter, etc. are few important prime importance. The superior,
non-monetary), opportunities to non-monetary motivators which the leaders or the mentor should
help achieve fullest potential, ca- outweighs monetary motivators be a person of war but not per-
reer planning & path visibility, and hence are quintessential. son for war so that the women
personal development & growth Motivation namely non-mone- colleagues could feel secured
prospect, transparent working tary ones results in task focussed and see distinctly their growth
environment, job satisfaction, etc. prospect. The superior/mentor
& result orientation, sense of must remember that before he/
Among all the elements, moti- belongingness, team working at- she is a leader, success is all about
vation is perhaps an aspect of titude, active & mindful listener, growing himself/herself. When
paramount importance. Every coping up with work stress and he/she becomes a leader, suc-
individual woman does pos- hazards, etc. all leading to en- cess is all about growing others.
sess an innate inclination/mo- hanced productivity w.r.t. quali- (Globalisation Guru Jack Welch
tive to develop her potential ty, quantity/magnitude and time- in his book titled “Winning”) For
and hence expresses a distinct liness. Non-monetary motivators a true leader, success is due to
behaviour to achieve it. Such have uniqueness as its presence amalgamated teamwork and fail-
behavioural pattern follows the does not necessarily motivate, but ure is due to his ineptness to lead,
five need hierarchy theory devel- absence certainly de-motivates in which he always owns.
oped by humanistic psychologist today’s IR-4.0 era encompass-
Abraham Harold Maslow, uni- ing 3Cs (Creativity, Competence
versally known as Maslow’s need and Candidness), 4Ds (De- The Action Plan: Going
Hierarchy Theory. The needs are carbonization, Decentra-lization, ahead
Psychological need, Safety need, Digitalization, and Democra- So, the first and foremost is to
Social need, Esteem need and tization) and 3Ps (People, Planet make certain that sufficient wom-
Self Actualization, which move & Prosperity). To this effect, the en candidates are inducted in
in a hierarchical order. Maslow’s mentorship and organisation's the entry level as management
need Hierarchy Theory explains wide awareness workshops are trainee. Secondly, it is to make
that satisfaction of one need gives extremely vital/ momentous, sure/ corroborate that adequate
28 KaleidOscope August, 2020