Page 30 - August-2020-Issue
P. 30


              Work at home in times

              of COVID-19

                                                                                           Dr. Farah Naqvi
                                                                                          Professor, AAASM

                     s everyone had initially  inhibitory control; so that we can  from home to work to office caf-
                     pictured Work from  temporarily dissociate ourselves  eteria, to formal and informal
              AHome as a temporary  from other cognitive and emo-             meetings;  it  is  now  about  com-
              work  change  that  would  offer  tional distractions and focus on  muting from work desk at home
              lots of free time coupled with  the task itself. Working in an  to living room, kitchen, fridge,
              flexibility  in  work  schedule.  As  office  environment  enables  em-  balcony, window, bathroom,
              the pandemic data turns scarier  ployees  to distance themselves  children play area etc. Working
              each day and news of forced sal-  temporarily from home and so-  from home struggling to main-
              ary cuts, layoffs are increasing so  cial  distractions  effectively  psy-  tain  focus on a thought by in-
              are the uncertainties. Employee  chologically.  Getting  dressed,  hibiting all potential distractions
              learning to work at home, were  travelling to work and working  rather than strengthening ones'
              eager to please and meet all work  in a space designated specifically  focus on the central mental ac-
              requests with enthusiasm. Very   for work with proper infrastruc-  tivity associated with work can
              soon this started to get replaced   tural and systemic facilities as-  cause  directed  attention  fatigue
              by lassitude, a state of mental   sist  in  concentrating  better,  en-  leading to irritability, impatience
              and physical weariness, discom-  hancing productivity. This is the   and forgetfulness.
              fort, fatigue and burnout.      reason companies are motivated   The pandemic situation that

              If ones' job is relatively secure   to invest heavily in employee   has brought work to home has
              and one is performing the same   wellbeing and workspace. With   caused unique unrest, especially
              work from home, then why is it   the disappearing boundaries be-  in employees who functioned on
              leading to increased stress when   tween work and home coupled   the principle that when at home,
              working from home. Some of the   with lack of training, remote   leave  work  and  office  thoughts
              possible causes have been ex-   working has increased the pres-  behind. Such employees who had
              plored below.                   sure on many employees. The     been naturally programmed to
                                              cause of this increased stress and   separate their work and personal
                                              fatigue  can  be  attributed  to    di-
              Directed Attention              rected  attention  fatigue  (DAF),   lives are now caught in a circum-
              Fatigue and inability to        a neuropsychological phenome-   stance that is not allowing them
              positively disengage from       non resulting from the overuse of   to do so. Understanding from the
              distractions                                                    perspective of self-complexity
                                              brain inhibitory attention mecha-  theory as individuals we have
              To perform our work effectively  nisms.  The  nature  of  commute   multiple aspects- context-depen-
              on a job requires us to draw on  has been totally reversed by this   dent social roles, relationships,
              our executive functions especially  lockdown.   From   commuting   activities and goals, and we

              30    KaleidOscope  August, 2020
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